13. Whatever helps you sleep at night

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13. Whatever helps you sleep at night

While I was gathering my books out of my locker, Emma looked like she was going to die or something because she kept waving her hands in front of her face.

"Are you all right?" I asked her and when she noticed what she was doing, she stopped. "Yes, it's so hot in here" she said, smiling at me. "That's because I'm standing right next to you" I said, winking at her. Her cheeks turned a bright red color and I couldn't help but laugh. If she was being this nervous around me all the time, I don't know if I can accomplish my plans with her.

"So what I wanted to ask, maybe we could hang out some time?" I asked her, not looking her way. "I would like that" she replied and I looked at her and smiled.

"Cool. What about after school?" I asked, closing my locker and waiting for her reply. "Yes that's okay. What time does your classes end?" she asked me and I thought about it for a second because I had absolutely no idea. I always followed Jai around because we were in the exact same classes every day. "I have to ask Jai, but what about I'll tell you at lunch okay?" I said and she replied yes. We said our goodbyes and made our separate ways to our class.

Plopping down in my seat next to Jai, he asked me what she said and I told him what happened.

"Good job" he said and when the teacher walked in, we both paid attention to what she was saying because she already had her eye on us, because Jai and I always talked during her classes. We sat next to each other almost every class but we always had something to talk about, it was never boring.

Remembering that I had to ask him about how late our day ended, I waited for the perfect moment that Mrs. Watson looked the other way and I could sneakily ask it to Jai. When she did turn her head to the other side of the classroom, I nudged Jai with my elbow against his.

"What?" he whispered because he didn't want to get caught. "When does this day end?" I asked him and he sighed because of the stupid question. But I had to ask it right now or else maybe I could forget about it. "I tell you at lunch" he replied and I had to agree with him because Mrs. Watson had turned her head back in our direction, narrowing her eyes at us.

I smiled at her, trying to look innocent and fortunately she believed it because she told everyone to finish their exercises and announced that class was over.

"Now tell me when are we done today?" I asked, which felt like the thousandth time. "At 4" he replied simply and I groaned because of the simple answer. Why couldn't he just tell me that in class or sign it to me or something.

"All right thanks" I replied and we walked together towards the cafeteria were already the rest of the school was seated.

The people we always sat with were already seated at our table, two seats left for Jai and me. My eyes searched around the cafeteria when we had sat down.

I had found Emma's table which was at the other side of the cafeteria. She sat on the same table as Leah fortunately. Now she could witness everything herself without it being told to her by her friends and maybe then she wouldn't believe them.

"I'll be right back" I said, standing up from my seat and making my way over to Emma's table. When I was almost at her table, she looked up and her eyes met mine. She smiled at me because she knew I was coming her way. Reassuring her that I was coming her way, I smiled back.

She was sitting at the corner of the table so I kneeled down next to her, my arms resting on the table and my arm touching hers. I know that just a small touch is a gesture towards her that I might be interested in her, or else I would have kept my distance.

"Hey" she smiled at me, and I felt that everyone's eyes were on us, watching our conversation because things like this didn't happen often. People know that I usually don't talk with everybody at places where everyone can see us, but right now people needed to think that she was different, that she was special.

I smiled back at her and told her that my classes end at 4. "Mine too so that's great" she replied, still smiling like an idiot to me. "Okay well I meet you at your locker then?" I asked and she nodded. I said goodbye and while I was walking back towards my table, I mentally slapped myself because I had no idea which locker was hers.

I decided to just head to the receptionist instead of waiting for the day to end and then still have no idea. I signaled to Jai that we were leaving because he knew where our next class was and he had to help me with this locker thing. Maybe the receptionist could resist me, but not two good looking guys who would gave her their biggest smiles. That could work right?

We waited behind one person who was now asking whatever things at the receptionist. I saw her sneaking glances our way while she was helping the boy. When she was finally done with him and he had walked away, we had put our best smiles on our faces and when I asked her about Emma's locker number, she didn't even hesitate but just searched for it through the files on her computer.

"She has number 621" she replied, smiling at us and trying to look sexy by leaning towards us. Unfortunately for her she wasn't my type and she wasn't Jai's either. I'm just saying it in a nice way.

"You're not going to do something bad to her, right?" she asked when we were about to walk away. "No of course not. I'm taking her out on a date but I needed to know where I could approach her" I explained, it was half true except I already asked her for the date. But it would sound lame if I told her the real story.

"Oh that's so cute. Teenage love, that's why I love working at a high school" she said, sighing and looking dreamy. Before she could hang up a sappy love story or her own experiences we said a quick thanks and walked away.

"Pfew that was almost an hour of hearing about her really uninteresting life" Jai said and we both laughed. "Yes that is worse than having to clean up the bathroom after you went in there" I said, laughing really hard at my own words. Jai looked like he was about to kill me, so I took that as my sign to run away from him even though he knew I was telling the truth. When he ate something really bad his stomach could make things that stink so badly, you almost have to vomit by smelling it. Trust me, you don't want to smell that.

Running out of the school was the best idea ever, so I could run towards the fields behind the school and eventually lose Jai somewhere.

I looked behind my shoulder if he was anywhere near me, which wasn't actually a good idea because my body collided with someone else's and we both fell on the ground, me falling on top of the other person.

When I pushed myself back up, I saw it was Leah, great timing, just great. Note my sarcasm please.

"Is it true?" she asked and I looked at her interrogatively. "Are you taking Emma on a date?" she said, making her question clear. I smirked when I saw she wasn't looking too happy. "Yes I am" I replied and I stood up from the grass, wiping the grass off my bare knees. "Why do you care?" I asked, smiling mischievously at her. "I don't care" she replied, looking away and standing up by herself when she finally came to the conclusion that I wasn't helping her up.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night" I said and walked away, with Jai on my tail who had overheard our whole conversation. "Closing your eyes helps a lot actually" he said and I laughed and smacked him on the head.

"Oh you're so dead right now" he said and I started running away again, laughing really hard at my friend.

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