4. What's so funny?

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4. What's so funny?

Present time

Still daydreaming about our first meeting and how pretty she looked back then and how she still managed to look pretty after everything that happened. I also added hot, to the list of things to say about her.

What would have happened when we hadn't meet that day at the campfire? Would I have met her eventually or was it all on coincidence. Maybe it was already determined that we were going to meet, it was our fate to meet each other. If I didn't met Mike and Taylor it would all be so different. Our lives wouldn't be so f*cked up like they are right now.

Realizing that break already was over and that if I didn't hurry I would be too late for my next class, I stood up and walked back inside the school.

When I reached the classroom, I saw that everyone was already seated. Nice...

I opened the door and quickly scanned the room for someone. I spotted her sitting at a table by the window. There was a place free next to Jai, who was sitting behind her, so I decided to just sit there.

"Collins why are you so late?" our teacher Mrs. Andrews asked. I sighed, I wasn't even that late. Maybe one or two minutes. "I was daydreaming" I replied, it was a fair answer because indeed I was daydreaming. "Mr. Collins I do not accept that kind of b-" she said, but I spoke before she could finish her sentence. "About someone special" I said, looking directly towards Leah. She looked down and didn't try to look up because she knew she would meet my eyes.

"Okay just don't be late again. You may have your seat Mr. Collins" she said and I walked towards Jai and sat down beside him.

He had his hands in front of his mouth and it looked like he was laughing at me. "What's so funny Brooks?" I asked him but he didn't reply and instead removed his hands and started laughing really loud. "You are such a pussy. Aww you were dreaming about someone special. What a joke Collins!" he said, half laughing. I punched his shoulder but he didn't stop laughing. Putting my hands in my hair, I groaned "Remind me why I'm friends with you".

Before I knew it my last class was starting: project class where I had to work together with Leah. I was going to do my very best to be nice to her and make her feel comfortable, just like I used to do.

She was currently sitting next to me, her chair shoved as far away from me as possible. She was leaning forwards and staring at the teacher saying something about what we were supposed to do in this class. I already knew what we had to do because being the smartass I was I just read through the papers we got from Mr. Wills. Everyone was paired up in couples and the first exercise was that we had to plan our dream vacation together and agree with each other about everything.

I looked at Leah and saw that she wasn't really paying attention at all. She was just staring into the distance, I guess she was thinking about life.

Mr. Wills clapped in his hands and that made Leah snap out of her daydream of whatever she was having. "Okay class go to work" he said and everyone turned to their project partner and started talking about it.

"So what are we going to do?" I asked, curiously looking at her while she looked really clueless. So I was right about her not paying attention to anything the teacher had said. "You tell me" she said, sitting up straight and expecting me to answer her question. Should I say the right answer or just play a little joke with her. That sounds actually really good.

"We have to show in front of the class how to kiss" I said and her eyes widened when I said that, but she quickly recovered herself. "Well let's start then?" she said, waiting for me. "You do know I was joking right? But if you want to then sure" I said, and started leaning forwards closing my eyes and expecting a kiss from her. But instead of her lips she pushed something wet against my lips and when I opened my eyes I saw her holding a piece of cucumber which she probably received from her bag while I had my eyes closed. A smile made its way on her face and I couldn't help but smile too. "It's not funny" I said, putting my arms over each other and trying to look mad, which of course didn't work because she looked too damn cute.

When she still didn't stop laughing, I eyed her questioningly. "What's so funny?" I asked. "Do you remember when..." she started but I cut her off, putting my face in my hands totally remembering it.

"No don't start about it, it's too embarrassing" I said, thinking back about that day at the summer camp when I totally ruined the reputation I had, if I even had one at all, but after that I just hadn't one anymore. Not that I cared about that, but at that moment when I was my sixteen-year old self it was the most important thing in this world to have a reputation.

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