31. Surprise

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31. Surprise

Luke's POV

When I got home later on Thursday evening the last thing I expected to see was the boys in full party mode, drinking bottles of beer and taking shots.

"Guys? What the f is going on?" I asked, feeling a bit betrayed.

I went out the whole evening to go to our new house and look if everything was ready for us to get in there.

"Sorry man, we wanted to wait for you but you took so damn long" Blake replied, while pouring shotglasses with blue colored alcohol.

I sighed loudly. I was so not in the mood for this crap right now. I also didn't wanted to be that guy who wanted to be responsible and shit.

Oh hell no, I wasn't like that at all. I actually needed to loosen up a bit since tomorrow was going to be our final day in this crappy town.

"It's okay, you're right because I would probably have done the same to you".

He laughed and patted the space on the couch next to him. I sat down and took a bottle of beer from the table, opening it with my bare hands.

"Look you know we love you the way you are right?" Sam said a bit hesitant.

I nodded, not really knowing where this conversation was going.

"But you might want to change your outfit so you don't look like you've just ran a marathon like three times" he shrugged and everyone looked at my outfit, or well what was left of it.

"What for actually?" I asked, because if it was going to be just us tonight then I only needed to change in comforting clothes.

"Geez have you lived under a rock this week?" Sam asked, and right after he said that Blake slapped his head from behind, getting an annoyed look back from Sam.

"I guess..." I said, waiting for someone to explain this weird conversation.

"Remember the conversation we had during lunch with Emma monday?" Jai asked. I nodded and signaled for him to go on because I was eager to know.

"Guess that this girl, Sheila, who was supposed to throw a party this Saturday moved the date to tonight" Jai said, finally telling me what this was all about.

"And we are going?" I asked.

"YES!!!" they all shouted in chorus.

"Now get your filthy ass upstairs and get ready because we need to do a few more drinks together before we go"

I took that as my cue to leave and went upstairs to take a quick shower and to change.

Fifteen minutes later I was joining my group of friends, already getting my third shot for this evening.

"How about we go to this party and get ourselves drunk there as well" Sam questioned to our group.

Everyone murmured something and stood up to get their stuff.

Twenty minutes later we finally found the so-called house of Sheila which wasn't exactly a house, it was a club.

Also good for me but a bit weird because I thought that it was going to be a house party. Maybe her parents didn't agree with the party after all.

When we finally entered the club after showing the guard our invitations we were greeted by something looking like a real party, with balloons and a table full with food.

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