11. It hurts

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Dedicated to Troll6 for making a beautiful cover! I also wanted to say that I imagine Luke Collins as Dylan O' Brien bc he is so sexy 😍


11. It hurts


Could anyone tell me why on earth I was getting a lap dance from a girl whose boobs were fake, so was her smile she was showing me the whole time?

Why was I in my bedroom with this girl, me wearing no shirt, just underwear and pants? While she was in a pink bikini which showed everything she had which was a lot.

Why wasn't I with Leah right now? If I was at the back of the garden right now with her I was probably kissing her instead of having someone else on my lap.

I slightly pushed her off me and as I did so, she turned around and looked confused.
"You don't like it?" she asked, and tilted her head a bit so she looked like a lost puppy.

"What happened?" I asked, patting the empty space on my bed next to me. She hesitantly sat down, looking more confused.

"What do you mean babe?" she asked and I rolled my eyes at the nickname she gave me.

"Did we have sex?" I asked, concern filling my eyes.

She sighed and pulled her hands through her gold-blonde hair. She closed her eyes for a second and when she opened them, she looked kind of sad.

"I guess you forgot everything?" she asked and I nodded immediately.

"Well you and your friend invited my best friend, Sheila, here and she asked if she could take someone with her and you had said yes. So that's how I got here at the party" she explained.

"When I had introduced myself you said you wanted to take some shots with me because you wanted to let loose and don't worry about something important later this evening. So we drank almost a bottle tequila together and when I asked you about the important thing, you said that you wanted me but didn't know how so..." she said, trailing off a bit.

"You sure you want to hear everything?" she asked and I took her hand in mine, squeezing it to tell her to continue.

Actually I didn't wanted to know what happened at all but I had to know if Leah saw something or if I had said mean things to her.

"Well we went upstairs and while we were walking here you stopped at a group and told them 'to cover for you if SHE would ask for you' ".

"Did she see us?" I asked, "I mean, did Leah see us?" I asked, sitting at the end of the bed completely leaned towards her.

"No she wasn't even here yet. The party is still going on" she replied, and then I realised that I could still feel the beat of the music through my body.

"Nothing bad happened. We kissed and you asked for a lap dance, so I did that" she said.

"I have to go" I said, standing up really quick. The tequila wasn't out of my body completely so the quick movement made me stumble forwards right on top of the girl.

"Ow I'm sorry... uh what is your name actually?" I asked, still lying on top of her.

"Natalie" she said, smiling and gripping both of my sides with her hands, pushing me off her, me falling on to the ground.

"Come on let's go find this girl who seems really important to you" she said, helping me off the ground where she first had pushed me to.

I smiled and she grabbed her dress from the ground, putting it back on. I suddenly saw why I had toned interest in her.

Her boobs weren't fake like I said before, I'm extremely good at exaggerating.
Her smile made her look friendly and she was also really pretty.

"Sorry if I was mean to you" I apologized, looking at her from under my eyelashes.

"If you think that look makes you innocent than you're wrong. It makes you kind of sexy" she said, smiling and blushing because of what she had said.

"Come on" I said, grabbing her hand and tugging her along with me back to the living room in search for Leah.

On my way there I met Sam and Jai but they had no clue about were Leah was.

I wanted to give up my search for her when I noticed the back of her head. She was sitting on a couch at the back of the room.

"There she is" I said, still holding Natalie's hand but when we were near Leah I had let her hand go and reached out and tapped Leah on the shoulder.

She turned around, her eyes twinkling and she looked happy. But that look vanished when she saw me. She looked behind me were Natalie was standing. Then she eyed me up and down and I realised that I wasn't wearing my shirt.

"I was feeling hot and Natalie here was helping me to find you" I explained to her but she held her hand up to stop me explaining further.

"I don't care" she replied, turning back around to who ever was on that couch next to her.

"What's wrong?" I asked, walking around her to face her and some guy who was looking at her, a big smile on his face. She had the same smile on her face.

"I have someone else" she said and the words coming out of her mouth, directed towards me, hurt more than any other words could ever do.


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