6. Stupid rumours

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6. Stupid rumours

Present time

"Do you still have the t shirt I gave to you?" I asked Leah. We hadn't even talked about the project exercise at all. We only talked and laughed about the memory of my embarrassment that day.

The question made her stop laughing and her face became all serious. "Why would I have kept it? It only reminded me of you..." she said.

Ouch that one hurts.

"But why did you come here?" I asked. She knew I am living here and that I am attending this school. There must be a reason behind it why she came here out of all the places she could been went to.

She didn't reply and just stared at her hands. I placed my finger under her chin and lifted her head up and leaned a little closer.

"I knew it, you miss me" I said.

She didn't pull away or anything, she just stared me straight in the eyes. "I just wanted to see how you were doing and I wanted to talk about what happened so I can close that chapter of my life" she replied, her eyes looking a little sad.

"Have you ever thought about me the last two years after everything that happened?" she asked and I wanted to say yes, but unfortunately she kind of slipped my mind. I got so much attention from all the other girls and I had to do my very best to get through the next year of this school.

When I didn't reply she took it as a no. "You didn't huh?" she said, rolling her eyes at me and suddenly I felt a tension between the two of us.

"I was busy" I replied. "Busy with what? Sleeping with random girls?" she asked. That one hurts too, how did she became so offensive all of a sudden.

I turned away from her, not bothering to answer her question because she was making prejudices of the things she heard about me.

"Where do you want to go to?" I asked, changing the subject completely.
She looked at me questioningly and her face said 'what the hell are you talking about'.

"About the project exercise" I said, sighing. I was a little mad at her right now about the prejudices she made.
I hated it when someone just did that and presumed that they were right.

"Oh okay about that.." she said and I saw her looking at me from the corner of my eye.

We worked in silence till the teacher announced that class was over and that we were allowed to go. I quickly gathered my stuff and put them in my bag and walked towards my friends so we could go home.

"Luke wait" I heard someone say behind me, it was Leah of course I could hear it because I recognized her voice. I waited for her by the door and told my friends to wait for me in the car.

When she was near me we walked out of the classroom and stopped a few meters from where everyone was being busy with their lockers and stuff.
"Yes?" I said, waiting for her to say something. "Are you okay?" she asked, eyeing me up and down. I sighed and looked away from her, how did she even know? I wasn't going to lie to her about it because that wouldn't do any good at all.

"I just hate it when people make prejudices about the things they've heard about someone without even knowing if it's the right information" I replied, looking her straight in the eyes. She looked a little hesitant but recovered herself and asked me something else: "Are we okay?".

I looked at her questioningly.
"If you say so" I replied and walked away leaving her with my answer to think about, just like she did to me two years ago.

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