16. Goodnight

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16. Goodnight

"Don't look doooo-ooo-ooo-ooown. Up this high we'll never hit the ground. Don't look doooo-ooo-ooo-ooown. See that sky we're gonna reach it now"

So I was yet at another party which was held by someone I was really fond of because I really needed it. I needed booze, music, friends and fun. I never expected myself to think this: but I was done with girls. I did my very best to make the date with Emma perfect, but I failed in that too at the end.

I know maybe it was stupid to do it, but it just slipped out of my mouth. I had it done all by myself and I knew I was going to think back to the sort of same date I had with Leah two years ago. Maybe I could have expected that her name accidentally slipped out of my mouth.

It was all in the heat of the moment. We sat close together, the sun was set, she leaned closer and put her hand over mine. At that moment I couldn't think anymore and I had already said it.

"Your hands are so soft, just like you are Leah".

After that the date was immediately over because Emma had pulled back before our lips could have met and she got mad at me and I couldn't even explain myself. She had ran away to who knows where after her outburst at me.

Could I blame her? I have no idea. But she could have at least let me explain myself.

It was also a win situation for me because no matter how nice and good looking Emma was, she would never compare to Leah and I had to get rid of her in any way.

Wait that doesn't sound nice. I just mean that I had to break up with her or something because the only girl I wanted to be with was Leah.

But even right now I didn't really know if I wanted to be with Leah. I just wanted to be alone right now and don't have a care in the world. No problems. That sounded great.

I turned back to the table I was standing at with my friends where was a tray of shots which was placed on our table, waiting for us to down them. I will probably regret this tomorrow morning but right now it was a good idea.

"I count to three and then we all down them" Jai shouted even though we were standing close but when you're drunk you think no one hears you because you don't hear really proper yourself. It was kind of funny.

"ONE, TWO, THREEE!" we all shouted together. I downed one, then the second, then the fifth and finally the last one which was the eight shot.

"You better make sure we get home safely" I said, turning to Jai who made a funny face.
"We are never going home. Go hard or go home it is" he said and then a few people cheered at his statement.

Shaking my head I turned around to go and find something. I didn't know yet what I was looking for, but I will find that out later.

I was so drunk that I couldn't think normal anymore. I laughed at my own stupid thoughts and made my way to the dancefloor.

I probably looked really drunk and that wasn't hot or anything. But girls knew me and my reputation so on my way to there a few 'accidentally' bumped into me and showed me their fakest smiles.

Do they think I'm stupid or something? Of course I know they don't bump 'accidentally' into me, they only do it to get my attention and hoping to have a good night with me. Well the old-me would definitely go for that. The new-me don't. I actually had no idea how long the new-me would exist but he did exist right now and that was what mattered.

The dance floor actually didn't sound like a really good idea because there would mostly be girls on the dancefloor and a few of them would be trying to get my attention and I just wanted some time alone. People also sweated on the dancefloor because they moved their drunken bodies with bright lights shining down on them. I hated that too.

I suddenly stopped walking and turned around, this time me bumping into someone.

"Well, well, look who we have here" a voice said, which made my head raise up to see who was talking. Great, it was Noah, just great.

"What do you want?" I asked in a bored tone. Could he just move on and go away because I wanted to sleep. Hey that sounded like a good idea!

"What do you have which I don't have" he asked and I said the first thing that came to my drunk mind.


If looks could kill, I would be death right now because Noah didn't find my answer funny. I was actually laughing at my own answer.

"Shut up and be serious. What is your secret?"

What did he mean by that?

"I don't know, why are you suddenly so interested in me?"

"I am not interested in you, but my so-called-girlfriend broke up with me and said she wasn't over you. So that's why I'm asking" he explained.
His so-called-girlfriend? What? Who? Oh wait, was he talking about...

"Leah broke up with you?" I asked, completely ignoring his earlier questions. "Yes" he said, looking down at his feet.

He actually looked really sad. I almost felt pity for him. Hey, I said almost so that doesn't mean I'm feeling it.

"I actually really started to like her and I thought she liked me back but then she told me she only dated me to get you jealous".

"She did that?" I asked. If she did that it was actually really funny because I was planning to do the same to her.

"Yes she did, now can we quit talking about it. I'm still not over it". I never saw Noah so vulnerable before.

"I'm sorry for you man and I don't know, but I do know that Leah and I have a history together and my feelings for her never totally vanished and I think she feels the same way about that".

Noah just nodded and then walked away, leaving me alone. Well not completely alone, because I was in the middle of a room which was crowded with people.

What was I going to do? Oh yes I was going to find a room with a bed in it to sleep.

I set my empty glass on a table and moved through the house, looking for a staircase. When I finally found it, I walked upstairs and was met by a lot of doors.

The first three rooms were already occupied by couples making out and doing stuff I didn't needed to see right now.

The fourth room was completely dark with the curtains closed. I closed the door behind me and slowly moved towards the bed. With my arms stretching in front of me, I finally found the bed and sat down on it.

I pulled my feet on top of the comforter and moved to the middle of the bed. I stopped when I felt a body. My heart was racing and I almost thought it could be a dead body.

That thought was gone when the person spoke. "Who is that?" it was a girl voice. "Luke, Luke Collins. I'm just here because I need some time alone to think and I'm a bit tired. Is it okay if I stay here or do I have to leave?".

"No it's okay" she said and she moved a bit so I had also some space on the bed.

"Could we sleep under the comforter?" she asked and I nodded even though she couldn't see it. I pulled the comforter from underneath my body and she did the same.

"Goodnight" she said and I told her goodnight too. I was too tired to ask her name because tomorrow morning she would be gone and I wouldn't even remember it.

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