14. The Date

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14. The Date

At 4 sharp I stood in front of Emma's locker which only was because our class was allowed to leave a few minutes earlier, number 621, waiting for her. When she arrived with a few of her friends, she said goodbye to them and walked up to me.

"What are we going to do?" she asked. "You'll see". She smiled and looked down at her feet when I took her hand in mine and together we walked out of the school.

I just really like the whole holding-hands thing, it feels so great to hold the smaller hand of a girl in my big hand. Feeling each other's body heat through your hands. Maybe I sound like a sappy cheeseball right now but I don't care. No one could read my thoughts so no one would ever know about it.

"Did you came here at school by car or bike?" I asked her and she told me she was driven today by her dad because her bike got a puncture. "Well the boys and me always drive together but they have already left so we have to walk if you don't mind?" I asked her. "No its okay with me. I like to walk".

We walked for twenty minutes. I asked her about her interests because I actually knew nothing about her at all. She told me she did hip hop dancing and when she wasn't paying attention, I quickly looked at her back to see she had a really nice ass. I've just heard that girls who dance or ride horses have really nice asses.

She was a fan of Demi Lovato and I just nodded when she told about her, but in fact I had no idea who Demi Lovato was. I had to Google her another time, hopefully I'll find some information about her.

"And what about you?" she asked, when she was done talking about her own interests. "I heard you played soccer" she said softly and I saw her looking up to me from the corner of my eye.

I had to keep my feet moving, because I felt so much urge to stand still and look at her like she was stupid. Everyone knew about my past and about what happened so she must know it too.

"I don't. Not anymore". And after that, an awkward silence grew between us. I was a bit mad at her for bringing the topic up. She did know what happened and that she had the courage to bring it up when she was alone with me. I can't believe it! I don't talk about it with anyone, the only person who I kind of 'talked' about it was Leah. Gosh, I miss her so much.

I looked down at the girl walking beside me and then I knew exactly where I wanted to take her. She was definitely going to tell it to her friends, including Leah, and when Leah would hear about where I took her, hopefully she would change her mind about us and come back to me.

I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable so I decided to be a man and speak up. I was still mad at her for abusing the situation and asking me about it, but I had to have her tell a good story to her friends. I'm such a smart person, sometimes.

"I'm also really into those relaxing morning songs where you can drift back off to sleep even when you just woke up. I also do fitness with the boys two times a week, we always go together so we encourage each other to go".

"Also please don't bring up the soccer topic anytime again. You know what happened so just shut up about it. I don't want to talk about it now, not tomorrow, just never" I said and it came out a little too harsh but she just needed to know it or else she might bring it up another time and I didn't want that.

"I'm sorry about bringing it up. I won't do it again" she promised and after a few seconds she continued. "Oh I never knew you were into those songs" she said, smiling at me.

"Yeah I got this playlist on Spotify and since then I couldn't stop listening to it. Do not tell anyone this but sometimes when I'm having a hard time with falling asleep, I listen to those songs and I'm fast asleep in a few minutes".

I don't know why I told her not to tell anyone because it's not really that embarrassing. I just don't talk a lot about myself to other people. And I don't want to lose the bad-boy picture that people are having about me.

"What is your favorite song at the moment?" she asks, even though I already know she has no idea which song I'm talking about, it's nice that's she wants to know more about my interests.

"Further than feelings from Joel Baker" I tell her and she nods and get her phone from her bag. "I'm writing it down and I'll listen to it when I get home okay". "You should also listen to I knew this would be love from Imaginary Future". I like both song a lot and they really help me with falling asleep.

We walk up the front porch of my house and I tell her that I need to get a few things from my room. She waits for me in the hall while I quickly get a few things.

I take my bike from the back garden and motion for her to sit down on it.

She holds my waist while I maneuver us towards the park. When we arrive she gets off from the bike and I lock it.

We walk together to an empty space on the grass and I pull out a blanket for us to sit on. I take my phone and dial a number which I could almost put on speed dial because I call it so many times.

"Hey Rick, could you deliver two pizzas to the park for me please? Yes? You're my hero. Make something nice of it, I trust you with it. Ok bye".

"We only have to wait like ten minutes. I'm going to get us something to drink. What do you like?". "I like everything" she replies and satisfied with her answer I leave her at the park to get our drinks.

She is so going to like this date that tomorrow she won't stop talking about it to her friends and that's exactly what I want. That she is constantly reminded of our first date we had, two years ago, on that beautiful night.

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