32. Last Goodbye

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32. Last Goodbye

One month later...

If someone asked me what I would do over in my life if I could, then I had no idea what I would do over because there were so many things in my life that I regret.

I didn't have to explain that one to you, right?

Okay okay, I'll tell you... calm down.

I shook my head because again my mind was going somewhere else. To a place where I would be living a normal teenage life with my friends and no care in the world.

Instead I was transferred to another state with my friends because the police claimed that we had some serious issues that we needed to work on.

At first I was mad because we had to leave our hometown and other friends behind because of that stupid trick a few people used on us.

We didn't get charged that bad, we just had to learn how to get back on the right path without using or selling so many drugs.

That last task wasn't that hard for us since we didn't used drugs and also didn't sell them.

No matter how many times we tried to explain that it weren't our drugs, they just wouldn't believe us.

The fact that the drugs were found in our house made us look even more guilty.

After a long time we gave up with trying to convince them.

But what made the case turn to us not getting a life sentence in jail or a fine. You're all wondering that right?
That's because they couldn't find traces of cocaine in our blood.

That was when the court had decided that we were getting no charges if we agreed with moving to another state.

So the following things happened:
- we packed our bags with our belongings
- we said goodbye to family and friends
- we had to delete our Facebook accounts to avoid contact with our former friends
- we got on a plane with no idea which destination we were going

And now we are here in the present.

How many hours did we fly?  I know as much as you know which is nothing.

I had slept through the whole flight because I was so tired from everything that had happened.

From now on things were going to change so fast and I had no idea if I was going to like it or not.

I looked around the plane to where my friends were seated and I saw that a few of them were still fast asleep, Sam was reading a book and when he noticed me looking at him, he smiled and waved at me.

"Did you sleep well?" he whispered at me because we were the only ones on the plane. We went with a private plane from the police so that they were sure that we got on our destination.

"Yes really good. How many hours did we fly?" I asked and Sam shrugged his shoulders.

"Honestly I have no idea, but we are almost there" he replied and turned to look outside the window.

"Holy Luke, you need to check this out" he said out loud.

I moved over to the seat next to the window and openend the curtain.

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