3. The prettiest girl

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Picture of Luke and Leah above

3. The prettiest girl

Two years ago

"Luke did you pack everything you need?" my mom asked for the thousandth time this hour. "Yes I have checked the list now three times and I'm not going to do it another time" I replied, sighing. Sometimes my mom could be really frustrating. I was really looking forward to next year when she finally allows me to move out and live on my own. It had actually another reason behind it because my parents divorced and they both wanted to go and live somewhere else but I wanted to stay here with my friends and at my school.

I had just turned 16 years old and was packing for my vacation. I was going on a summer camp with a lot of boys and girls from my age whom I didn't knew. Everyone was going there on their own and that was good because only then you learned how to make new friends.

"Did you pack s-" my mom started, but I cut her off. "Mom please I got it all and when I accidentally forgot something I could always borrow it from someone or buy it somewhere" I said. She sighed and smiled at me, stroking through my hair and messing it up. It already took me twenty minutes to make my hair look perfect like this and now my mom had ruined it by one single movement.

"Thanks mom" I said, sighing and taking my cap from my bag, putting it on my head. Now no one had to see my ruined hair.

A beep from outside caused my mom to rush to her bag and she took out some cash and gave it me.

"Watch out for yourself and stay out of trouble" my mom said, kissing me on my forehead. I picked my bag up from the ground, walking towards the front door where a small bus was waiting for me and bringing me and a few others to the area where the summer camp was held.

"Yes mom I will. And I'll text you when we arrive. I love you" I said and when I turned around and saw her smile I knew it worked. It always worked with her when I told her I loved her, she would always calm down and smile at me.

"Also don't forget to have a lot of fun, and I love you too" she said, opening the front door for me and looking while I was seating myself inside of the bus.

The driver started the car and we drove away from my house. I waved at my mom and when we finally turned the corner I could breathe normally. I was going to make so much fun this month.

Three hours later we arrived at the camp area. I had already made two friends who were with me in the bus. It turned out that we all had the same interests, we all played soccer, and had the same plans about this month. Mike, short for Michael, and Taylor both had the same target for this summer camp: losing their virginity and maybe also taking someone's virginity while they were losing their own. I wanted to fit in with them so I said that I wanted that also. I actually didn't even had my first kiss but I wasn't going to tell that to them because then I wouldn't be cool and I wanted to be just like them.

On this area there were parted area's for the girls and the boys. There were about fifty people overall.

The driver took out our bags and we walked next to each other towards the main building to get the key of our cabin where we were supposed to sleep. While waiting in the line for the cabins, my eyes trailed around the room but stopped when I spotted a girl. She wasn't the only girl in this room but there was something about her that wanted me to keep looking at her. She was beautiful with her long brown hair which was perfectly braided in a fish tale.

When she looked up and her eyes met mine, I couldn't stop staring. I wasn't aware of the fact that the line in front of me was moving forwards because the only thing I could pay attention to was her. A smile formed its way on her lips and she lifted her hand and waived shyly at me. I looked around if she wasn't waving at someone else and when I saw that she indeed was waving at me, I smiled at her and waved back.

"Hey Luke move on" someone shouted, and when I looked up it was Mike. It was almost his and Taylor's turn and so was mine because I was with them. I looked away from her and quickly walked towards them.

"What was happening there with you?" he asked and I turned around if she was still in the same room and fortunately she was. So it wasn't a dream.

"She got me starstruck" I replied, looking at her way, the boys eyes following my gaze finally noticing her. "Wow" Taylor said, "You do have a good liking with the girls" he replied. "Hey I saw her first" I started saying, but Mike cut me off. "Of course she is. She is totally going to be yours this summer" he said, winking at me. The look in his eyes actually wanted me to turn around and run away but I didn't do it and that gave me a good feeling.

Later that day when everyone was settled in their rooms and changed into warmer clothes, we all gathered around the camp fire.

My eyes were quickly searching the place for her. I didn't see her so I just settled myself somewhere at the back with Mike and Taylor next to me.

I was staring at the campfire and didn't realize that someone had settled themselves next to me. I didn't bother to look up who it was, until the person spoke to me.

"Hey" I heard the voice of a girl say. When I looked up my eyes met the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. Big brown eyes and even better it were her eyes. She was talking to me. Slapping myself in my mind I smiled at her, showing her my white straight teeth. I was freed from braces three months ago and now I had the perfect pair of teeth. She smiled back at me, also showing her white straight teeth, so she was also lucky like me.

"I'm Leah" she said, looking down at her hands which she had clasped together. I held my hand out for her to shake it. "I'm Luke. Luke Collins. Nice to meet you" I replied. She took my hand in hers and the feeling of her small hand in mine gave me a weird feeling but also a feeling I wanted to feel again because it felt so nice.

"Benson" she said, "My full name is Leah Benson and yes it's really nice to meet you too" she said, looking down and blushing a little.

The most prettiest girl I've ever seen was blushing because of me. This must be a daydream, I thought to myself.

Another thing which I added in my mind was that no matter what I wanted to see that blush for the rest of my life.

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