7. I want her to trust me again

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7. I want her to trust me again

"Did she do that? Man she must be still mad at you for breaking up with her" Blake said, laughing along with the others when I told them about the cucumber thing Leah did.

It was really hard to keep my act up next to my friends because they didn't know what happened at all between me and Leah.
I only told them that we had something a while ago and that I broke up with her. I wished it was only that but it was way more what happened between her and me.

I put my chin on my hands and sighed, closing my eyes. I wished she never came back but on the other hand it could also mean another chance for me to graduate in life with at least one thing: love.
If she ever was going to believe me anyway, I had to find out how to do that and how to win her heart back.

"Why did she came here?" Jai asked and I looked up to meet all of their eyes looking at me.
"She wants to talk about it" I replied. "Talking about what? About the small thing you had and then you breaking up with her? There is nothing more to talk about that. Girls always make so much drama out of small things" Jai said and he, Blake and Sam started laughing.

"Well the thing is, I haven't been totally fair with you guys" I said and they all stopped laughing.
"Y-You lied to us?" Sam asked, they all waiting for my reply. "Yes and I'm sorry about that but it was the best thing to do at that moment. I hope you're not mad at me" I said and they all smiled at me.

"Of course not. You're like our brother and we all have our own mistakes we've made" Blake said and my other two friends nodded in agreement.

"Thanks guys, you're truly my best friends and brothers and I will explain to you what happened at that camp two years ago, but I first need to fix something else" I said.
"Yes we understand and if you need our help, just ask and we'll try to help" Sam said and I smiled at them.
"Thanks guys".

The rest of the day we played some games and drank beers. We cooked together and made our own pizza's, which tasted delicious, I didn't knew I had it in me to cook something tasteful like this.

That evening we sat on the couch together and watched some movies and the summary of soccer games.

"Luke, are you ever going to play soccer again?" Sam asked out of nowhere. I hesitated about what to answer. I haven't played soccer since that awful day, I couldn't get it out of my head. "I'm afraid not. I just can't forget what happened" I replied, zoning out the rest of the conversation.

I hope that Leah will never ask me to play soccer with her because she used to like to do it so much.
I don't know if I can tell her what happened on that day what was supposed to be a beautiful day but turned out as a nightmare which was fresh in a lot of people's minds.

"Why do you ask?" I asked Sam, wondering how he came up with that question. "Coach asked about you. He says that you're always welcome back in the team because he knows you're a very good player" he explained.
Why couldn't coach just leave me alone? I already made clear that I'm never coming back to a soccer field, at least not to play on it. A miracle should happen which made me go back to playing soccer.

I stood up from the couch and announced that I was going to my room and I would like to be left alone for the rest of the night.

I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes, thinking back about the better days and slowly drifting of in a dream.

"Here pass it to me!" Leah shouted from the other side of the field. We've known each other for only three days but we already spend every day with each other, not that I don't like it because I totally love spending time with her.

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