26. Plan B

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26. Plan B

Leah's POV

Since I last spoke Luke I've been feeling a bit down. I actually felt sad about the whole situation. I knew it wasn't fair for him that I was acting like this, but it was all for a damn good reason: revenge.

I know you may think now what the hell I'm talking about, but maybe you thought I was the good girl all the time. Well surprise, I am not.

First I was a bit hesitant about the whole situation, but after my cousin reassured me that everything was going to be fine, I finally gave in to his plan. 

The difficult part about this is that I still love Luke, but when Noah asked me if I was in love with him, I replied with a no. Loving someone or being in love with someone are two different things.

After the conversations with Noah I came to that conclusion, and it's all for the better. 

Cameron has been really sweet to me the last few days, he made me laugh a lot and no one could wipe off the smile that was plastered on my face. 

I was ripped out of my thoughts when someone bumped their shoulder with mine. I looked to my right and Cameron flashed me one of his famous smiles.

"You okay, babe?" he asked, and my heart literally skipped a beat when he called me that. I was staring a bit too long in his eyes because Cameron had to snap me out of my thoughts again, this time he did that by grabbing my hand. 

He looked a bit nervous, but didn't let my hand go. When I squeezed his hand back, I saw him relax and sit back. 

"Yeah I'm fine, just overthinking everything" I replied, looking down at our hands. When I looked up, I saw Luke's group of friends walking our way. I quickly pulled my hand back out of Cameron's and watched the group walking to their usual table.

Even with Luke not in their group, they were still as famous as always. Almost everyone looked at them in awe, wanting to be a part of their group.

"Hey Jai, how is Luke doing?" a girl from a table near mine asked. I looked at her and then back at Jai, my attention on them because I was curious about what Jai was going to say.

"He's doing really good, he will be back next week". 

His answer shocked me because he said that Luke was coming back and he didn't even told me?      

Oh yeah, that's because you are the one ignoring him.

I quickly turned back to my group of friends and gained Noah's attention by pulling at his arm, telling him the news about Luke. 

"Do you know which day he'll be back?" he asked, and I shook my head no. "Then we should start with our plan in a few days. Everything has to be clear and ready before he is back".

I was nodding along with the others, but my mind was actually somewhere else right now.

Was I really going to do this?

Luke's POV

"My Dad, he was a great man, he was there with me through my whole childhood. Without him I wouldn't be standing here and being who I was right now. 

He learned me a lot of things about life. He told me that if you want something in your life, no one is there to just give it to you. No, you have to do it all by yourself, you have to work hard to achieve the things you want the most. 

This is not only about your job, this is also the same with love. If you want to be with the person you love, you first need to gain their trust. You can't just barge into her live and tell her you love her. That will scare her away if you do that.

When you think that you found the one and only, you first need to think if this is what you really want and if this is the person you want to spend your whole life with. If all of these questions are answered with yes, then you found the right person. 

When you doubt about it, you have to overthink everything and if the situation is making you truly happy.

When my Mom and I arrived here, I had so much time to think. The person I thought I knew suddenly turned her back towards me and that was the moment when I asked myself these questions. 

I asked them myself and conversed about the topic with my Dad, when we were in the hospital. We had talked for almost an hour when he suddenly said that whatever decision I make in my life, he wants me to be happy. 

He had told me he loved me and I told him the same. I had hugged him when he lay on the hospital bed. I felt him sigh while my arms were still wrapped around him and then the heart monitor beeped a long tone. 

Suddenly a lot of doctors came rushing inside the room but it was too late. 

Then I realised that you gave me another good advice, whatever decision I make, it has to make me happy. 

So Dad, if you hear this, I will do exactly the things that only make me happy. 

Dad, I love you".

I stepped back from the microphone and overlooked the crowd of people who attended my Dad's funeral. While I walked back to my seat, a few people gave me a sincere smile and I smiled back at them even though I didn't know them.  

When the funeral is over and Mom and me have sorted out everything around my Dad's belongings and heritage, it's time for me to make a new plan.

I thought I had everything sorted out and that I will have a bright future, but now I needed to change my plans.

It was time for plan B.


Only a few chapters left of this book... but it's not the end of their story, I'm only continuing it in another new book. 

Stay tuned and be prepared for what's coming! 

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