22. Nothing

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22. Nothing
(Picture of Leah's outfit for their date ^^😏)

The next morning I woke up in my own bed with unfortunately no one in my arms.
Leah went home last night because she had to walk her dog and she wanted to wear something casual for our date.

I was fine with whatever she wore because she always seemed to look nice.

The weather outside was a bit chilly so I decided for myself to wear jeans and a long sleeved black T-shirt.

October was almost here and the bright sunny days would slowly change into dark and cold nights. I actually prefer dark and cold nights so you have a reason to just stay inside and watch a movie in your warm bed. I may sound sappy but I bet a lot of other guys agree with me on this one. The part where they admit this is another story.

I walked down the stairs towards the kitchen and shivered a bit while entering. I groaned and walked towards the heater.

Somebody had turned it off completely! Is he out of his mind?

I decided to leave it like this and let the others handle it on their own, probably with shouting and everyone saying it wasn't him. I was yet leaving to pick up Leah so it wasn't my business.

I pulled on my winter jacket and stepped outside of the house into the cold air.

It was a five minute drive to Leah's house and when I arrived there, I parked the car in front of her house.

She lived in a house which she shared with four other girls. It was a nice looking house from the outside, I've never seen it from the inside but I bet is was clean and organised. The opposite of the house I shared with the guys.

I walked up to the front door and rang the bell which made a ringing tone. I heard footsteps on the other side and then the door was opened. Leah came bashing through the door, shoving me quickly to the car.

"Leah what's wrong?"

"No don't stop walking. Just go to the car and it will save your ass for this time" she continued pushing me to the car and quickly went inside the car when I had opened the door for her.

When I sat down next to her at the driver's seat, she was staring out to the road not bothering to take a glance at my way. I shrugged my shoulders and started the car, driving to our destination.

After five minutes of silence I turned my head to look at her and caught her already looking at me. "Can you tell me what was that at your house?" I asked, I was really curious.

"Look, my friends said they had planned to bombard you with questions and tell you about their rules they have for you and stuff and I didn't wanted to risk that so that's why I kind of pushed you out of the house before you even could go inside".

I rose my eyebrows looking at her strangely and sighed. Girls....

She didn't wait for me to reply and instead asked me a question I didn't wanted her to ask.

"Where are we going?"

"I am not telling you" I replied, not looking her way because I knew she was now pulling the puppy eyes look and she knew I couldn't resist them from her.

"Leah stop trying. I'm not telling you. It's a surprise" I said in a serious voice.

She sighed and folded her arms over each other, looking outside of the window acting like she was mad.

"You're not mad. I know you loooooooooooove meeeee" I teased her. "Who says that?" she asked, turning her body towards me, raising her eyebrows at me.

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