25. Focus

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25. Focus

Minutes became hours and hours became four days that I haven't heard a thing from Leah anymore.

The last thing she had send was on monday morning and it said that she missed me and had class right now so she'll text me later. Well unfortunately not.

It's not that I waited for her to text me first because I'm not that stubborn to do that and I know girls are like that, always.

I had texted her multiple times. The first few texts contained me asking her how she was doing, if she survived class and that I arrived at my Dad's place.
I even texted her goodnight, but I recieved no reply. I had thought about calling her but maybe she was extremely busy so I let the idea slip my mind.

The third day when I still haven't recieved a single sign of her being alive was when something cracked inside of me.

I dialed her number ten times and she didn't answer one of them!

I was so fed up right now and questions were swarming around in my head when I actually needed to focus on my Dad.

Now it was Friday morning, the fourth day I was in France and also the fourth day I haven't heard anything from her.

I had also checked FaceBook but the last message on her timeline was the picture of us at the zoo.

My mom had tried to distract my thoughts from her and as hard as I tried, nothing helped.

At the moment I was lying on my bed in the hotelroom I've been staying in since we arrived here. My Mom was in the room across from mine.

Suddenly an idea plopped in my mind and I quickly stood up from the bed to get my phone out of my bag. If I let my phone near me at night I knew that I wasn't going to get any sleep so I always turned off my phone and put it in my bag.

I scrolled through my contacts and found the name of one of my best friends.

It only rang two times before it was answered.

"Hey Luke, how are you doing mate?" Jai said, I heard other voices in the background and then Jai announced that he put me on speaker.

All my friends greeted me and I immediately smiled and was laughing. It's been a while since I laughed and truly felt happy.

"So what are you up to? How is it going with your Dad?" Jai asked.

"Well if I would say that my Dad was doing fine than I would be lying, his time is coming soon" I said, the last five words coming out of my mouth as a whisper.

I wasn't ready for saying goodbye yet.

My answer seemed to make my friends doubt as in what to reply because it was silent on the other side for a while.

"We feel sorry for you and if there is something we can do for you then just let us know" I heard Blake say.

"Well I was actually calling you guys if you want to do me a favor".

It was silent on the other side of the line and when no one spoke, I decided to just ask it.

"Could you please find out for me what Leah is doing. She didn't reply to any of my texts or calls the last four days. I have no idea what I did wrong or what she is up to. I just need to know it".

"Well I only have seen her hang out with a group of seven guys, and one of them seems to be her cousin. They also say that he has been in jail a few years ago. All the girls adore him and I'm not sure about his name but I think I heard his name is Noah Benson" Jai told me all this information and when he mentioned Noah, I immediately knew why she was ignoring me. It was because of him.

"Oh okay well thanks guys and could you tell her I called and if she can give me a small sign of being alive and not hating me" I asked, it was the last small hope I had. If she wasn't going to text me anymore, I knew it was over.

"She is actually walking this way so why don't you ask her yourself" Jai said and before I could reply, they had put me off speaker.

A few seconds later I heard her voice through the phone. My heart literally skipped a beat when I heard her sincere voice.

"Hey Luke, what's up?" she asked, sounding normal.

Is she literally asking me what's up?? Is this really happening. I should rather ask her what is up since she is clearly ignoring me. I wanted to yell at her and ask her what the hell is wrong with her but I steeled myself.

"Why are you ignoring me?" I asked. I waited and waited for her to answer and when she was about to reply, another voice was heard at the background.

"Who is that? Who are you calling?"
"With Luke" I heard her reply.

"What? I told you to not contact him anymore until he's back and I want to have a good talk with him". And then the phone call ended.

Well nice this...

I decided to leave my phone for what it is and stood up and went to the bathroom.

I quickly showered and put on a decent outfit. Then I got my camera and wallet and walked out of my room, knocking on the door of where my Mom was staying.

She opened the door and when she saw it was me, her face lit up.

"Hey Lukey how are you doing?" she asked and I smiled and hugged her, saying I was doing fine.

"So what about playing tourists today? " I suggested and my Mom smiled while shaking her head indicating that she wanted to go with me.

I needed to clear my mind from the thoughts about Leah and the only way to do that was focus on the other things I still had in my life.

I was in France for a reason and that was spending time with my family, before it was too late.


I decided to make a sequel with the same characters in it.
I already decided how I want this story to end.
The upcoming weeks I will update more often and hopefully you will keep on supporting my story and please vote, because I recieve so little votes and so much more reads.


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