21. Never be alone

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21. Never Be Alone

Take a piece of my heart and make it all your own, so when we are apart you'll never be alone.

~ Shawn Mendes

The whole week at school had been hectic and busy. I wanted to spend as much time with Leah as I could but we both had two tests and I had to write a report about an article from the newspaper.

Now it was finally weekend and we had planned to spend it together. Leah was free from her job at Topshop so we had two full days to spend with each other.

And I've never been so excited for something before. Even more excited than Christmas when I was a child. So that says a lot.

The doorbell rung, signaling that someone was here. I quickly ran to the stairs and slowly walked down from it because my arm still wasn't recovered from my fall out of a window.

I wanted it to heal as fast as it could so another fall from a height wasn't so pleasant.

I opened the door and behind it was standing the most prettiest girl of the world. Well I thought she was.

"You look beautiful" was the first thing that slipped my mouth. I just said my thoughts out loud and at this moment it didn't really mattered. It wasn't that I was saying something negative out loud. I once accidentally did that and after that I learned to never do it again because I walked around for a week with a black eye. I deserved it.

She smiled at me and blushed. I tugged her inside the warmth of the house or else we would be staying here for a longer while. I saw she was nervous so my proceedings had to be clear and secure.

"What is that on your face?" I asked her and her eyes widened. She wiped her hands at the corners of her mouth and on the other parts of her face.

"It's still there" I said, touching her cheek. "It's that cute blush of you". This made her blush even more and I smiled at her reassuringly. "Don't worry. I like it on you and how I still manage to make you blush only because of my presence. But I get it, I would blush too because of me" I said, adding a wink.

She laughed at that and pushed me a bit away from her, a small smile still visible on her lips.

The tension between us was now almost gone because of the way I acted towards her. She noticed it too and sighed, grabbing my arm with both her hands with her head leaning on my shoulder when we had settled ourselves on the couch in the livingroom.

I wanted to kiss her so bad because we haven't kissed for so long, but kept myself together because I didn't want to hurry her.

"So I thought, what about a movie and dinner tonight? And we could go into town now and maybe to the park?" I suggested and she nodded, snuggling a bit closer to me. If I turned my head towards her, our lips almost touched. "And what we're going to do on sunday is a surprise".

I wanted to take her to the zoo because I know how much she loves animals. We've got a pretty nice zoo not so far away and I bet she haven't been there for really long.

She leaned her head a bit more towards mine and when I turned my head to look at her, she connected our lips with each other. It surprised me that it was her who started the kissing, maybe she could read my mind.

I stopped my stupid thoughts and pulled her closer to me. Her right leg hung over both my knees. If she only moved the rest of her body as well, then it would be a lot more comfortable for both of us.

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