29. Love me or let me go

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29. Love me or let me go
P.S. Check out the song ^^

Luke's POV

The first classes had went by so fast like they only lasted five minutes when in fact every class lasted 60 to 90 minutes.

I was heading to the cafeteria, walking down the stairs when I felt a presence from behind me. Only a few seconds later, two arms were wrapped around my torso from behind.

I stopped walking and turned around to see who was behind me.

'Oh hey Leah' I said, suddenly feeling really nervous.

Like the time you're so nervous that you feel beads of sweat form on your forehead. Or when you have an oral examination and you totally black out and forgot every single thing you wanted to say which you've been learning for the past four days.

Her voice snapped me out of my trance fortunately.

'Why didn't you came to say hi this morning?'

Oh Dear God, please forgive me. Well that is not what I say to her off course. Just play it nice.

'I guess I was overwhelmed by seeing you after such a long time and freaked out' , I lied.

'I can live with that' she said and grabbed my right hand with her left.

For people on the outside, we looked like a couple madly in love.

Leah's POV

'So what have you been up to?' I asked Luke while we walked towards the cafetaria.

'Well my dad's funeral happened and it was a bit overwhelming for me. It confronted me that I actually lost my dad forever. But when I was allowed to say a few words for him, which I had practiced for really long, it felt really good and I had said the right last words for him' , Luke said and he continued on and on about his dad's funeral.

I just nodded at him and looked at him like I cared, when in fact I actually didn't. Shame on me.

Then I saw her, she was walking the same way as we were and hadn't noticed us yet.

'Oh hey Ems' Luke said to her. Ems? Freaking Ems? He has a nickname for her?

We stopped walking and Luke freed himself a bit out of my arms. Rude.

Suddenly I remembered that this was bringing me nowhere. He really wasn't going to tell me about his plans or whatever he was planning.

'Oh hey I forgot that I need to go to my locker first, but why don't you guys just go to the cafetaria and I'll come later' I said, giving them my biggest fake smile.

'Yes allright' Luke said, and he turned to Emma.

I looked at Emma, raising my eyebrows and taking my phone out of my pocket, hinting her about our agreement earlier.

Her eyes widened a bit and she nodded at me, hopefully knowing what she had to do or else...

Luke put his hand on her back, guiding her to the cafetaria.

I speed dialed Noah and he immediately picked up the phone.

'What's up sis?' he said. 'Are you in the cafetaria?' I asked, hoping he was so he could spy on them. 'Yes I am with the guys at our table, why? You coming over?'. 'Keep an eye on Luke and Emma will you?' I said, trying to sound nice when from the inside I felt like spitting fire because I was so mad at Luke for lying to me. I knew he was lying because he acted so weird around me. I just know something is up and I'm willing to do everything for that to find it out.

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