10. T.G.I.F.

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10. T.G.I.F.


It was the last day of our first week of school and since we all survived it, the boys and me decided that it would be nice to throw a party. We had invited the whole population of our school, also the nerds but most of them were too afraid of us to even show up to the parties which were held by us.

At the moment I was sitting next to Sam who was driving the two of us to the supermarket to get the drinks and snacks we needed for the party. Blake and Jai were at our house, setting up the things and stuff like disco lights, a bar, the music and making different areas.

"So what are you going to do tonight?" Sam asked me and I replied because it was obvious what I was going to do tonight.
"Party like there is no tomorrow" I replied and laughed, but stopped when I saw Sam's serious expression.

"What?" I asked and he sighed as if I were dumb. "I mean with the girls" he replied, being totally unclear to me about what he wanted to say. "Which girls?" I asked and he groaned, slapping his forehead but quickly putting his hand back at the steering wheel.

"Is Leah coming?" he asked and I shrugged my shoulders. How was I supposed to know?
"I guess so" I replied, silently hoping she was.
"Well Avery is coming too" he said and then I realized what he meant with what I was doing tonight.

To most people, tonight was just a normal friday evening, but to me and Avery it wasn't.
Every friday she would come up to my house and we will be doing 'things' with eachother. I'm just saying it like that because I am kind of regretting that we ever started the thing that was going on between us.

When summer vacation started, we both had went to do our own things and we hadn't done anything with eachother for a while.

Since tonight was the first friday of a school week, normally we would be spending it together again.

As appealing as it sounded I didn't want to ruin the thing between me and Leah. It was going so good between the two of us so far.

Maybe Avery was too dumb or she forgot about it, I silently wished she would be playing dumb and expected from me to make a move on her, which I wasn't going to do of course.

"Please cover me when she asks about me" I said and Sam laughed out loud because of how desperate I sounded. "I really need you to do that for me" I added and he shook his head a little.

"I didn't knew that the Luke Collins would ever ask me to cover for him when a hot girl would ask for him" he said, laughing his butt off when he had parked the car at a spot somewhere near the entrance of the supermarket.

He knew me too well that I didn't want to walk more than ten meters when I had to carry heavy bags. He also didn't want to carry all the bags by himself which he knew he had to do when he parked the car too far away. Sometimes we could be real drama queens. We were friends for a reason after all.

"Well it did happen and now stop laughing or else I might make you stop by myself" I said, smirking at him. He stopped laughing but a smile still remained on his face. I smiled at him, satisfied that I had such an effect on him even though he knew I would never punch him or something like that on purpose.

We got a shopping cart and went off to the direction of the drinks, chatting about boyish things on our way.

When we got everything we needed which were a lot of beers, three bottles of tequila, bags of crisps, six bottles of coke and ten lemons we went to the cashier.

It was a girl from around our age and I think she was in our school also. She was looking in a different way at Sam and I knew he saw it too because he winked at her, the gesture made her quickly look away, her cheeks flushing pink as she did so.

"So what are your plans tonight?" Sam asked her but she didn't notice the question was for her because she kept on scanning all the products we had put on the belt.

"Sheila?" Sam said and she looked up at the mention of her name. Sam must have noticed that her name was written on a note which was on her blouse, or he just knew her. Sometimes it surprised me that he knew so many people.

"I asked about your plans for tonight" Sam asked again and she smiled at him. "I have to work till eight o' clock and then I have nothing" she said, her answer satisfying Sam because he smiled back at her.
"Come to our party" he said, taking a paper from his pocket with a number written on it. Did he really had papers with his number on it with him?

"This is my number. Text me whenever you feel like coming to our party and I'll text you the adress" he said and she took the paper from his hands, putting it in her pocket.

"I will" she replied and finished the transaction with me asking if I wanted the receat which I wanted because I was not going to pay for all of this on my own.

We carried six bags to the car and when it was all inside the car, we got in it ourselves and drove back home.

"Hey man don't worry. Tonight is going to be a great night and I'm going to make sure that Avery will not bother you" he said, patting my shoulder when we had carried all the six bags back into the house.
"Thanks bro" I replied, smiling at him.

Tonight at twelve o' clock I was going to surprise Leah with something and hopefully she remembered the thing that happened between us exactly two years ago too...

Or else I would just kiss her and she would remember it eventually, I thought completely satisfied with my plans.

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