9. Stealing first kisses

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9. Stealing first kisses


It felt like I was dreaming but I didn't know if it was the truth. I was surrounded by a lot of people, sweating bodies grinding on to each other on the dance floor and beer cans and cups laying on the floor. I guess I was drunk because I felt a little light in my head. I heard someone yell my name and when I looked up I saw Mike walking towards me.

It was the first party at the camp to start the vacation on a good way and hell did I started it good. "Where is Taylor?" Mike asked when he was near to me, I shrugged my shoulders and looked around the room. "Leah is not here, she is too much a good girl to come near party's" Mike said and I groaned. Why did I always choose the boring girl. I wanted to have fun with a girl and give her a good time but now I had to find someone else to have fun with.

"I heard that Khloe is interested in you" Mike said, gaining back my attention. I looked at the direction he was pointing at and saw Khloe looking at us, waving at me. She was really good looking but just couldn't tip to Leah. Leah was perfect in my eyes and no one could be better than her.

"I'll think about it" I said, turning around and looking one last time around the room if I could see her. Then I saw her and I felt relieved that she was here.

"There is she" I said, pointing at her way. Mike looked at her and groaned. "You need to get loose with more girls, not just her. You have freedom here, you're supposed to have the time of your life so take it" he said and I nodded in agreement. "I just want her to be my first" I replied and when I said it I immediately regretted saying it, but it was the alcohol taking over my mind. Mike smirked at me and gave me a pat on my back. "That's how I like it" he said, "you go to her and I'm going to find Taylor" he added and I nodded and we both walked away to do our own things.

"Hey there you are" I said, hanging my arm over her shoulder. She put her arm around my waist and we stumbled backwards a little. She had drunk too because I could see it in her eyes.

"I've been looking for you" she said and I told her I was looking for her too. "Come with me" I said and I pulled my arm back and took her hand in mine, guiding us towards a quiet place.

We sat down on a small couched, our thighs pressed against each other. We laid down with our backs against the pillows of the couch, my arm around her shoulder and her head on my shoulder.

We just lay in silence, enjoying each other's presence. I looked up at her and saw her looking back at me. I leaned closer to her and whispered something in her ear. "I want to kiss you so bad" I told her and she blushed. "Then do it" she replied and licked her lips. My eyes flickered to her lips and then back to her eyes. She was looking at my lips too so I leaned in and before our lips met, I closed my eyes and kissed her.

First we just kissed without tongue but when she put her leg over mine and came in a sitting position on my lap, things started to heat up. She put her arms around my neck and my hand found her waist. I bit her lower lip and she opened her mouth so our make out session could go on.

While my hands were gently stroking her back, she had her hands in my hair slightly pulling at it. It drove me crazy and I didn't want her to stop because she made me feel so good.

I never knew that kissing felt this nice and I didn't want it to stop either. I guess she felt the same way about it or else she would have already stopped with kissing.

We broke apart from each other to catch our breath, our foreheads leaning against each other. I sighed and leaned back with her leaning against my chest.

"That was my first kiss" I blurted out, "but damn it was good" I said and Leah leaned back from my chest, looking me up and down. "Really?" she asked unbelievable. I nodded and she smiled, leaning against my chest. "It was my first too" she said and I couldn't help but smile.

"We just stole each other's first kiss" I said, "and I didn't regret it at all" I added. I felt her smile against my chest. "Let's go back to the others?" I suggested and she nodded, climbing off my lap. She looked a little sad about going back to the others, but I didn't want them to think that we were having sex or something like that. I didn't want people to think bad about Leah.

I took her hand in mine and squeezed it, leaning close to her ear to say something. "We can go back there another time tonight" I said, winking at her. She blushed and I gave her a quick kiss on her cheek.

When we arrived by our group of friends, Leah went to Keira and Joelle to talk with them. Mike and Taylor were talking about something but stopped when I stood next to them, smiling really wide.

"So did you fuck her?" Mike asked and I glared at him. "It was just a joke" he said.

"I kissed her" I said, smiling and thinking back about our kiss. It was amazing and just how I imagined how it would be with her. "You only kissed her? I would have known what I wanted to do when I was alone with her in a room" Mike said, winking at me.

"Tomorrow we go find some other girls for us" Taylor said, putting his arm around my shoulder. "You need to learn how to play the game. Girls like boys who play with them and we are going to show you how you become like that" Mike said and Taylor nodded in agreement.

"Tell me one other girl you like, not Leah, but another girl" Mike said and I thought about it for a while. "Khloe got a good ass" I said, smirking at them. "That's what we wanted to hear" Mike said and he high fived with Taylor.

"Go talk to her and tomorrow she is the girls sitting on your lap, doing the same things Leah did to you but maybe even better with that ass of hers" Mike said.

I searched the room for Khloe and when I found her, I walked her way. She looked up and when she saw that I was walking in her direction, she smiled at me and patted the empty space next to her.

I sat and before I started our conversation I looked up and met Leah's eyes staring straight at me, one emotion visible into them: disappointment.

It did affected me in a way, but not enough to make me walk away from Khloe when she put her hand on my leg.

Leah wasn't mine and I wasn't hers. We both knew that and we just couldn't spend the whole day with each other, or else we might get enough of each other.

It was better this way. Just listen to Mike's advice and it will all be alright in the end.

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