2. Never in your wildest dreams

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2. Never in your wildest dreams

At lunchtime almost everyone in our school was talking about her. About how friendly she was and how good she was looking. I must admit that they are right about that, but I don't think that she will ever be friendly to me again.

If only I wasn't that stupid two years ago, then where would we be now? I was a dick back then and I regret everything I did to her and the things I said. Only thinking about it made me want to punch myself in the face.

"Hey man what's up?" someone shook me awake from my daydream, or should is say daymare. If that's even a word...

"Yeah just thinking about life" I replied, straightening up in my seat at the table in the middle of the canteen. Our group was seated in the middle of the canteen so everybody could look at us. Our group consisted of me and my friends and the group of popular girls. Fortunately were those girls not really friendly to everyone, so Leah wasn't befriended with them. She was sitting on the table next to ours, facing me.

I felt someone stroking my arm and when I looked up to see who it was, I saw it was Avery, the leader of the girls' group. "So which girl is the lucky number ten?" she asked, leaning forward and showing her cleavage. She just knew how I liked it, and I didn't even have to do something for it.

"My friends decide about that" I replied, leaning closer to her to say something in her ear. "But I wish it is you because then it wouldn't be so hard to get you to go on a date with me".

She started giggling and didn't stop, causing a small scene and having people looking at us. "Oh Luke I wished all the boys were just as perfect as you are" she said in a flirting tone. I looked up to meet Leah's eyes looking straight at us. She didn't break the eye contact and so wasn't I, only our moment was ruined by Avery who gave me kisses in my neck. That was distracting me from the staring contest with Leah, so when Avery almost reached my lips, Leah quickly looked away from us.

Leah asked something to the girl next to her and when that girl looked up and I met her eyes, I knew they were talking about me and Avery. Let's say that the whole school knew what Avery and I did together, but we weren't together as a couple, we just enjoyed each other's company when we were alone and under the covers of my bed.

But now with Leah here, at my school, living in the same area, I was contemplating about stopping this whole thing with Avery. She brought back so many memories to me that I wanted to change myself for her. The whole reason why I am who I am now and why Leah and I aren't on speaking terms is all because of the influence of my friends back then and acting different just to fit in the group and be cool.

That's also the main reason why I'm stuck with this bet and my uncontrollable thoughts at the moment.

Avery's hand which was stroking my leg made me snap back to reality. I looked to Leah who had a disgusted look on her face. I wanted to change so badly, not only for her but also for my own sake.

I swept Avery's hand from my leg and stood up from the table.

"I'm going outside for a smoke. See you later guys" and without waiting for a reply I was out of the cafeteria, towards the grass field and benches where you also could spend your break.

I sat down on one of the empty benches and took a cigarette out of my pocket to smoke.

"You haven't changed a bit Collins" I heard from behind me. It was her voice. Or was I fooling with myself? Slowly turning around to see if I was hearing it right I came to the conclusion that she was standing behind me.

"You did change, Benson" I replied, patting the empty space next to me. She sat down next to me but left enough space between us.

"You look ten times hotter" I said, my dirty mind speaking for me. She rolled her eyes at my words and I couldn't even notice a small smile on her lips.

"So what I heard about you aren't really nice things" she started, looking everywhere around her, but not looking at me. She knew exactly what these things were but she just wanted to hear them from me. Well she was never going to hear them from me because I had to win her heart over, not scare her away.

"I want to change" I said, changing the subject. "Yeah sure" she replied, looking me questioningly in the eyes.

"You bring back so many memories. It made me realize how much of a jerk I've been" I said, expressing my thoughts to her.

"You still are, well that's what I've heard" she replied. After saying for the second time something like this to me I began to realize that she also changed. She could speak up for herself and had a bigger mouth.

"You also changed a bit. You gained a lot of self-confidence and you have a bigger mouth" I replied, waggling my eyebrows. "What?" she asked and is she knew me well she was also prepared for my next comment. "Well that's useful for a few things, because my friend also became bigger. That means they are made for each other, they should hang out sometime" I said, winking at her. I finished my cigarette and threw it on the ground.

"Never in your wildest dreams" she said, scowling at me. We just sat in silence for a while and then I remembered that I shouldn't waste my time and ask her now.

"So I wanted to ask you something..." I said, gaining her attention back. "Yeah..." she replied, waiting for my question.

"We should go out on a date soon. I mean, would you like to go on a date with me?" I asked, already knowing what her answer was. None of the girls could resist me.

Her eyes widened at my question and I saw a small smile making its way on her lips.

"Oh you think I'm that easy? Well dream on big boy because you have to do a lot more to get me on a date with you".

And with that she stood up and walked away from me leaving me dumbfounded.

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