5. It is not funny

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5. It is not funny

Two years ago

Last night I had slept really well because I was dreaming a lot about her. She would occasionally pop up somewhere in my dream and she showed me her soft smile.

Something wet, of must I say a splash of water, made me snap out of my dream about her. I jumped up in my bed, bumping my head against the ceiling because it was so damn low and I was sleeping in the upper bed of the bunk bed, I looked around and saw Mike laughing his butt off. I wanted to slap him across the face but he motioned me to stay quiet. He was about to do the same thing to Taylor what he did to me. Taylor was sleeping in the other bunk bed, underneath Mike.

Mike threw the bucket of water in Taylor's face too and Taylor did the exact same thing as I did, except he didn't bumped his head against the ceiling. He eyed Mike and his eyes looked like he could kill someone. "You!" he shouted at Mike, slowly climbing out of his bed. He looked up and his eyes met mine, he saw I was drenched too and he gave me a knowing look. Mike made his way out of our cabin and I put my legs over the edge of the mattress and jumped off of my bed.

"Let's take revenge, shall we?" Taylor whispered and I nodded at him. I followed him out of the cabin, it was early in the morning and the sun was rising so it was still a little bit dark outside. Everyone was still sound asleep, but we weren't. I never took revenge on someone for doing something to me, so I was really thrilled about doing it.

I wasn't exactly a really bad boy, I only looked like it but I didn't do so much wrong things or got in trouble often. Yes, I already had my first cigarette, I even took a package with me to the camp but only to have people look up to me and to look cool.

"Let's lock him up into the girls' toilet" Taylor said, already laughing about the whole thing. A soft laugh escaped from my mouth because it was just a perfect idea. Mike's reputation would be totally ruined when everyone saw him coming from the girls' toilet.

"How are we going to get him in there?" I asked Taylor. He looked up at the sky as if the solution would coming down from the sky into his head. "Could you ask that girl of yours, maybe she got a friend who could play along and attract him to the toilets" he said, it actually sounded really good but I had no idea where her cabin was. The cabins were spread all over the area, the only separated areas were the showers and the toilets.

"Well you go find her. We didn't have to take the revenge right now" he said and I nodded, walking in another direction to go searching for her.

It was actually a really good idea of Taylor and I hoped that a friend of Leah wanted to play along with it. Anybody was good as long as it wasn't Leah because I wanted her for my own even though she wasn't mine at all, but I was going to everything to get her for my own.

It felt like I already looked inside of thirty cabins but that couldn't be true because there weren't so many people here. I didn't wanted to give up because I was strong and a fighter and fighters didn't give up, they go on.

I finally reached the last two cabins, it was the cabin I shared with Mike and Taylor and another one. She must be in there, or else I had to look everywhere all over again.

I walked towards the cabin and peeked through the small window next to the door. I gasped when I saw her. She was writing in a small diary, probably about what she did yesterday or whatever. It was a typical girly thing so I had no idea what she was writing in it.

I didn't want to interrupt her or scare her but I softly knocked on the door anyway. I just wanted to be with her. I didn't know why I was feeling like this all of a sudden, I never felt like this before so I didn't know if it was natural to feel like this. Maybe I was sick or something. I should find that out later.

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