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Getting up from the white sheets, she stretched and yawned. With a soft smile on her face, she looked at the man beside her who was still sleeping and looked so peaceful. She leaned closer to his face and gently placed a kiss on his forehead, but was suddenly tightened by his arms around her, making her jump a little.

"Oh, you're awake?" she asked, still surprised, as Taehyung snuggled into her neck, causing her to giggle.

"Hmm," he replied with a raspy voice.

Smiling at his appearance, she gently ran her fingers through his hair while his head rested on her lap.

Blushing, she asked him with a nervous stutter, "Did you r-rest well?"

Taehyung opened his eyes, meeting her gaze. "Yeah, especially with you by my side," he replied, his voice still filled with sleepiness.

Her cheeks turned a shade of pink as she blushed, feeling her heart flutter. "I'm glad," she replied softly, tracing circles on his arm.

"Got work today?" she asked, noticing him dozing off. But all she got was a cute nod, which made her giggle.

"So when are you gonna leave?" she asked.

Taehyung sat up, smiling, and stretched his arms above his head, letting out a satisfied sigh. "Just a few hours from now."

"Well, then, go and get ready. You don't wanna be late," Jennie said, looking at him playfully acting like a baby.

"Hmm," he whined, making Jennie giggle once again. She stood up and gently pushed him off the bed, saying, "Just go, bear. I don't want to be the reason you're late."

Taehyung chuckled at the nickname she just gave him and said, "Bear? Such a cute name."

Jennie chuckled cutely, trying to hide her flustered state, but Taehyung noticed it, of course.


As she entered the mansion wearing her new clothes and a different expression, she searched for her sister. She saw her sister coming down the stairs with a tired face, but her expression quickly changed to surprise when she saw Jennie at the entrance.

"Where were y-" Her words got stuck as Jennie shouted to her with open arms, saying, "UNNIEEEE!"

In just a split second, Jisoo found herself wrapped in a tight hug from her sister, who was all chirpy and bursting with happiness.

Tears of joy welled up in Jisoo's eyes as she pulled away from the hug, taking in the sight of her sister's once dull and quiet face now beaming with cheerfulness.

"Oh my! It's been ages since I've seen you this happy. Huh? What's going on?" Jisoo asked.

Taking a moment, Jennie grabbed Jisoo's shoulders and blurted out, "Hold onto your hat because" She once again paused making Jisoo more impatient. " BECAUSE TAEHYUNG AND I ARE OFFICIALLY DATING!"

For a few seconds, Jisoo was completely caught off guard. But then, it hit her and she jumped up, shouting, "Wait, what?!"

"I'm so happy, Unnie! I feel like the luckiest person in the universe." Jennie exclaimed, grabbing Jisoo's hands and twirling around in circles with her.

Jisoo was overjoyed to see her sister laughing and screaming. "I always wish you the best, Nini," Jisoo thought to herself.

"You probably don't want to be bombarded with questions from them, so let's just go and tell them ourselves," Jisoo suggested, and Jennie nodded in agreement with a big, beaming smile. It was so easy to make her happy. But who knew what could take away that happiness?


"ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?!" Lisa shouted in disbelief, jumping up from the cozy sofa. "I mean I thought you would die single."

"Totally expected," Jimin said, taking a bite of an apple from the fruit basket on the table.

"You two are just perfect together, unnieeee," Rosé exclaimed, getting up and giving Jennie a tight hug, which she warmly returned.

"Jen? Do you really think you should trust him? I mean-"

"No offense, Mr Kook, and I don't care if you even get it, but your opinion is kinda like an annoying mosquito buzzing in the room,so better take a step back and let us enjoy this, alright?" Lisa retorted, rolling her eyes and completely dismissing Jungkook, who hadn't even bothered her.

"Sometimes I wonder if you're my girl or hers," Jungkook said, as Jennie and Jisoo burst into laughter at his gloomy expression.

"Never mind all that," Lisa said, pulling Jennie off the sofa. "Soooo, You........ are gonna be making lunch today for this happy occasion."

"She just wants your homemade food for everything," Jisoo teased Lisa.

"Haha, she'd probably ask for food even at a funeral," Rosé chimed in, laughing and giving Jisoo a high-five making Lisa pout.

Being the observant one, Jisoo noticed Jimin staring at none other than Park Chaeyoung.

With a fake innocent face, she asked Jimin, "What's with that stare, huh?"

Everyone, including Jimin, turned their attention in her direction as Jimin gave her an innocent 'what' look.

"There's definitely something going on between you two, if I'm not mistaken," Jisoo remarked, causing Rosé to cough twice while Lisa, wearing a devilish smirk, stood up and added, "I know, right? They don't seem like mentor and student anymore."

"What would you call this relationship then, Mr. Shortie?" Jisoo teased him.

"Coming from someone shorter than me," Jimin snapped back, but only he and Rosé found it funny.

"No need for explanations. They're definitely dating," Jennie, who had been quiet for a while, casually spoke up, causing Jimin and Rosé to cough uncontrollably.

"H-how do you know?" Rosé asked, a hint of surprise on her face, which only made Jennie chuckle.

"Like I didn't see you both confessing to each other in front of one of my warehouses," Jennie said, causing them to make a face that screamed 'we messed up.'

"Should have known you always have eyes everywhere," Jimin muttered, though everyone heard it and burst into laughter, except for him and Rosé.

"Well, as you guys already know, we're dating, so there's nothing to hide anymore, you see?" Jimin announced, playing the role of an MC, and everyone joined in, clapping together with smiles on their faces. Some had mischievous grins, while others were genuinely happy.

"I was so happy for you two when I saw you confessing your feelings But still congratulations!" Jennie said with a warm smile, leaning against the sofa.

"Now that we all have partners, let's have a couples party!" Lisa announced, and they all cheered with excitement.

"Uh, do I have to call T-Taehyung as well?" Jennie asked nervously. Everyone was a bit surprised by her nervous expression and stuttering.

Lisa, with a genuine smile, sat beside Jennie and said, "Don't worry, unnie. I know you'll be an amazing partner."

"Yeah, I'm sure you can do it," Rosé chimed in, while Jisoo smiled and expressed the same sentiments through her eyes.

"We all know you have a pure heart and are full of kindness, Nini," Jimin added.

"Also incredibly ......... honest," Jungkook said as Jennie gazed up at him finding nothing but sincerity and purity in his eyes.

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