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After the ceremony concluded, people began to disperse, leaving the halls empty and silent.

He was walking through the hallway, buttoning his coat as he made his way out of the premises.

The hallway was specially designed for VIPs to exit, and was made to be quiet and secluded.

His eyes were forward, focused on the exit. The sound of his shoes clicking filled the atmosphere including one more thing - the sudden faint short and quick footsteps.

Before he could realize, his thighs ran into something or rather someone... maybe a body?

He stared downward, his face concealed behind a black mask, and his eyes glistened in the moonlight filtering through the windows of the royal quarter.

A delicate being, clothed in a stunning midnight blue gown adorned with crystalline pins, stood before him.

He kneeled gently, bringing himself to eye level with her. Her cautious cat-like eyes met his, peering at him. Just like her eyes.

In a soft, almost natural tone, he inquired, "What brings you here, little princess?"

The ease with which he spoke screamed a certain familiarity with her, as if he felt it his duty to be gentle with her.

The child stepped back, her eyes gleaming as tears welled up. The moonlight now caught the moisture on her face, making the tears visible to him in the dim light.

The girl whispered softly, her voice quivering, looking down,

As he was about to reach out and touch her head, a cacophony of approaching footsteps drew his attention, filling the air with tension.

He caught sight of five shadows - three female and two male as his thoughts immediately leapt to the conclusion that her family had arrived. He stood up from his knelt position, his eyes fixed on the encroaching figures.

A female figure hastened toward them, clutching the hem of her flowing black gown with each step.

The moment she saw her daughter, the lady opened her arms wide, pulling her into a warm embrace. She then showered the girl's face with loving kisses, expressing the depth of her affection.

"Mommy!" The child exclaimed, nestled in her mother's embrace. The mother responded by soothingly patting her back before gently detaching herself.

Her expression betrayed her concern, and she fretted, "I warned you not to go anywhere! Where had you gone?"

"I was just over there," the girl pouted, pointing a finger in an undefined direction.

Her mother's concern intensified, but she was relieved to have found her child unscathed.

She shook her head, her voice filled with relief and a hint of worry, "You shouldn't go off on your own. It's dangerous in the dark. Promise me you won't do it again."

"I promise!" The girl repeated, her voice filled with sincere intent. Her mother nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

It was damn hard for her to resist the innocent earnestness in her voice. "Good," she nodded, gently stroking the child's hair. "Now let's get back."

She rose to her feet, clasping her daughter's hand firmly in hers. Then, in a slow and deliberate movement, she turned her gaze towards the man standing before her, their gaze slowly meeting as time seemed to slow down.

Their eyes locking, a million unspoken stories and untold emotions passed between them in mere moments.

R U B Y's P. O. V.

(It's the memories she is recalling)

"Be careful, Nini. Don't slip and fall in the water."

"I won't, but you make sure I don't get too wet." I squealed dancing in the rain.

"Don't worry, I'll keep you dry!"

"Oh really? How do you plan to do that?"

"I'll hold you close and shield you from the rain."

V's P. O. V.

"What's the surprise, love?" I asked with a chuckle, my curiosity growing.

Everything about her makes me curious.

She whispered in my ear, her breath sending shivers down my spine. "Shh, just wait," she said, making me even more curious and excited.

Her voice carried such a seductive tone that I could feel my body responding to it.

As she led me to an unknown location, her hand gently guiding me to a chair.

She gently removed the blindfold, revealing a room illuminated by a warm glow that danced across the surroundings.

I gasped in surprise, my eyes widening as they took in the sight before me - the entire room adorned with photos of us, every kind imaginable.

There were shots of us in public places, candids captured without my knowledge, and even a few of me during my stalker phase.

"This... is unbelievable," I managed to say, my voice filled with awe and admiration.

"When did you take these?" I wondered aloud, my fingers gently grazing a photo of us on the Han bridge.

She chuckled softly before replying, "CCTV."

In a heartbeat, I pulled her closer, our lips meeting in a passionate kiss.

Her hands found their way to my neck, drawing me in deeper as she reciprocated the gesture.

The world melted away around us, leaving only the warmth of her touch and the intoxicating taste of her lips.

P. O. V. Ends

They both looked at each other as if there was no end to it. A voice got them out of their action.

"Let's go, Ruby," One of the male spoke.

"So my partner has a daughter?" he inquired, his deep voice sending a familiar rush through her.

She allowed herself a moment to bask in his presence, her eyes closing as his words washed over her like a soothing melody.

"Let's go," she responded, her attention focused on Jungkook who nodded in understanding.

As V caught Jungkook's hateful gaze, he couldn't help but feel his cold eyes.

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