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T H R E E | Y E A R S | L A T E R

A man, on his knees, was begging for mercy, his face and knees covered in blood. But the woman in front of him didn't show any mercy as she shot his leg for the second time, aiming to graze the side of his leg without causing too much damage.

"Ahhh," he shouted in pain, falling to the wet, bloody, cold floor. The woman carelessly threw the pistol away and turned to her companions, ordering them, "Beat him up and finish him off with an axe."

The girls nodded and she left the room, with one of the girls closing the door behind her. As she stepped out, three other girls surrounded her, two holding umbrellas and one with a lighter.

She took out a pack of cigarettes, pulled one out, and put the rest in her pocket. With the cigarette in her mouth, the girl with the lighter lit it for her as they walked through a dark hallway.

As she entered another dark hallway, she glanced to her left and right where the girls were standing. When she locked eyes with them, they respectfully bowed and left the area. She continued walking alone until she reached a dark room.

She approached the sensor screen next to the door, and as her face was scanned by the access system, the door slowly opened. After entering, she casually placed her coat on the backrest of the chair.

With the landline phone on the table, she made a call. A few minutes later, she glanced at the CCTV feed and noticed an employee leaving a cup of coffee in the dark hallway.

"I have to go again," she thought, sighing. Just then, the door suddenly opened, and she turned to see a man entering with those cups of coffee.

"Here," he said, placing the coffee on the table. She took it with a straight face and took a sip before placing it back on the table.

"Hmm?" she asked him, looking curious as he approached the light switch and turned on the lights.

The sudden light made her flinch slightly, and she muttered in frustration, "Turn em off."

"No," he replied firmly.
She leaned back in the chair and closed her eyes as the man said, "The ceremony is coming up."

Those words were enough to make her open her eyes again, and she hummed in response.

"The exact date?" she asked, spinning around in her chair and looking up at the ceiling.

"Two days after," he replied, taking another sip of his coffee. She didn't bother to respond and quickly threw another question at him, "Where is Chu?"

"In the-"

"Mommyyyy," a sudden chirping voice interrupted, and a small figure appeared followed by three others.

The little girl reached out her arms, wanting her mom to pick her up. With a smile that was reserved only for her daughter, she gladly picked her up. She never smiled like that for anyone else.

"How was your day, Chu?" she asked, wearing a smile on her face. Chu simply pinched her cheeks and exclaimed, "We played so many games! Aunt Lily and Rosie are really fun, and Uncle Chim bought me lots of chocolates."

The woman gave Jimin a side-eye, to which he responded by scratching his neck and looking away, embarrassed.

Returning to her smiling self, she looked at her daughter and said, "You shouldn't eat so many chocolates, Chu."

"Sorray," Chu replied in her adorable baby voice, looking down. She was indeed a genius kid, learning to walk at just 6 months and starting to talk at 13 months.

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