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Driving at full speed, the words echoed in her mind.

"I gave you the task of killing her, not falling in love with her."

"You weren't supposed to fall in love with her, Kim Taehyung."

Sweat ran down her face like tears, her throat went dry, and her vision became blurry due to the tears.

"I simply had my men plant a bomb in her mansion with a 20-minute timer. And then BOOM," realization hit her like a ton of bricks.

"Mansion? Jisoo Unnie? Jisoo unnie is in the mansion," she muttered before tapping some buttons on her car's hands-free calling system and quickly dialed Jisoo's number.

She called her three times, but Jisoo didn't answer. Anxiety started to creep in as she continuously muttered to herself, "Pick up the damn call, unnie."

As she called her again, Jisoo picked up and spoke with a sweet tone, "Nini? How are you? You still haven't come-"

"Unnie, unnie, we don't have time for that. Get out of the mansion right now," Jennie said with worry, her eyes showing pure terror.

"What happened?" Jennie heard a male voice from Jisoo's side as she said, "Wait, who's with you?"

"Jin is with me. We just came back after shopping. We bought such a beau-"

Jennie looked at the time and realized that 18 minutes had already passed. Anxiety took hold of her as she glanced at the clock and then at the phone call, saying, "Unnie! Just get out of the mansion with Jin Oppa!"

"What are you saying, Nini?"

"JISOO UNNIE, GET OUT OF THE MANSION! IT'S ABOUT TO BLOW UP!" Jennie shouted with all her might as she glanced at the time and realized that 19 minutes and 10 seconds had already passed.

"JUST GET THE HECK OUT OF THE MANSION. IT'S ON FUCKING FIRE!" Jennie shouted once again, but Jisoo just frowned, looking at the phone on the other side.

"Wait, do you hear that sound? That ticking one?" Jin asked as he got up and checked, while Jisoo just frowned, looking at him.

"Jisoo unnie! Are you hearing me?" Jisoo heard Jennie shout once again.

"Yes, Nini, I am hearing you," Jisoo said with a frown and worried.

Jennie glanced at the road ahead, where she was speeding and overtaking vehicles, and then checked the time, which showed just 5 seconds.

"GET. OUT. OF. THE. MANSI-" and that was it. A loud thud was heard, leaving Jennie in shock as she stopped the car and looked at the scene in front of her.

She could see fire embers from a distance as the mansion came into view. The world around her seemed to freeze, and nothing else mattered.

Trembling, she slowly stepped out of the car and gazed at the mansion, which was engulfed in flames. Fire embers were spewing out from every corner.

She sat down on the road, her knees trembling, and gazed silently at the mansion. Tears had been streaming down her cheeks for a while now.

"J-Jisoo unnie?" she called out to her sister, but her voice came out as a whisper.

She made a small castle and got up on her little knees, smiling proudly. But her smile faded as a wave came and washed the sand castle away.

She stood there, sobbing lightly, until her big sister came and wiped her tears. "What happened, Nini? Why are you crying?"

"Dat vave luined my cashel," Jennie said in her baby voice, tears streaming down her cheeks. Jisoo smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will make you a new one real quick."

"My hank!" Jennie shouted, her voice filled with distress, as some kids snatched her favorite teddy at school.

"Hey! Give that back to her," Jisoo appeared out of nowhere, scolding the kids. They quickly returned Jennie's toy.

"Thank you, unnieee," Jennie said, hugging Jisoo tightly. Jisoo hugged her back.

"I'll be your savior, my little warrior," Jisoo said, pinching Jennie's cheeks. Jennie giggled and closed her eyes.

Jennie looked up from the road to the mansion, standing up and calling out, "Unnie? UNNIE? Your little warrior is calling you, unnie! UNNIE, ANSWER ME! I AM CRYING LOOK! COME AND WIPE MY TEARS."

She ran towards the burning mansion, but someone held her back and said, "Jen, don't!"

She didn't stop and struggled against his grip, looking at him to see who it was. "Leave me, Kook. I SAID, LEAVE ME. U-unnie is waiting for me t-there. I have to go."

"Jennie unnie," Lisa came running, followed by Rosé and Jimin.

"Jen! Snap out of it. The mansion is on fire, you'll get hurt," Jungkook said, raising his voice. Jennie stopped struggling, dropping herself to the floor and sitting on her knees.

Her face remained motionless, tears continuing to stream from her eyes. As the rain started pouring slowly, the burning mansion cooled down a bit, but the fire in Jennie's heart still burned fiercely.

Her tears mixed with the rain as she looked down at her lap, chuckling, "How dumb was I to fall in love with a killer?"

Everyone's eyes widened at her words as they sat down to her level, listening intently. They knew it was impossible to tell Jennie to get up and go in the car, so they didn't dare to.

"K-killer?" Lisa whispered, her lips slightly parted.

"I fell in love with a demon. A demon who would ensnare anyone to get what he wants," Jennie continued, and everyone refrained from questioning her further, even though they had millions of questions in their hearts.

"He never l-loved me. He just u-used me to g-get what he needed. He never loved me, he never did. HE FUCKING LOVED THE MAFIA KING'S POSITION," Jennie shouted the last words, amazing everyone on the floor with widened eyes.

"Mafia King? What h-happened, unnie? Who?" Lisa said, placing both of her hands on Jennie's shoulders. Jennie didn't move or look at her.

It seemed like someone had sucked the feelings out of her, leaving her motionless and expressionless.

"I hate you to the core of my heart," Jennie whispered, her words audible enough for everyone to hear.

Rosé sat down with her and lovingly pushed the wet strands of Jennie's hair back, tears in her eyes.

"He b-broke me. He destroyed everything," Jennie said, her baby face looking at Rosé and Lisa, who nodded while crying and embracing their sister.

"He killed the reason I was alive for," she whispered once again, her lips slightly parted.

Jungkook and Jimin looked at each other, their faces red, tears threatening to fall from their eyes.

"He wanted the Mafia position, huh? Well, I'll show him what I'm made of. Kim Taehyung, if it's a war, then I'll be the best warrior. YOU BROKE ME, NOW I'LL BREAK YOU," Jennie said, her voice filled with hatred and anguish.

Everyone was taken aback when they heard that name, their eyes widening as they exchanged glances that clearly conveyed their surprise and confusion. "Taehyung?" they silently asked each other.

So this was the last episode. Did you like it? (Lol it's not the last episode I am just kidding)

- Jennie found out about Taehyung being the Mafia king.

- But does she know the real truth?

- Will she kill him or take revenge?

Let's see 🙈

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