Mind of Faith

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Harry looked bored as he clicked his fingers and dean plummeted to the ground.

Rose screamed "You promised, stop!"

Terrance laughed "You shouldnt trust a vampire human".

Just seconds before Dean was about to hit the ground Rose closed her eyes waiting for the sickinging noise for when he hit the ground.

Tears fell down as she waited...and waited.

but there was no sound at all,

that didnt make any sense.

Rose opened her eyes and she felt shocked and reliefed as she saw dean.

alive, he was hovering in mid air just about a coulple of inches of the ground.

Harry had stoped him falling just before he hit the ground then dean fell to the ground and got up looking shocked and overwhelmed that he was still alive, he looked very pale and shaky, Rose couldnt blame him, he almoost died!.

Rose said "I thought you were going to kill him" as she pulled dean into a hug.

Harry shrugged "I keep my word, unlike some" His eyes flickerd to Terrance who was looking irritaded that Harry hadnt killed the boy.

Harry told dean smoothly "you know hanging around with a vampire that almost killed you and wouldnt hesitate to finish of the job isnt really a good idea".

Dean didnt need to be told twice after a quick bye to Rose he was running away eager to get help but Harry knew they wouldnt arrive in time.

From what he saw in Rose's memerys she was disliked because she was the best slayer in the comunity and the council was jelous, they also though she wanted to be in charge of the council.

so no Harry thought as he took a step closer to Rose.
no help would come...

Harry was closer to Rose now and he knew from her thoughts she was going to put up a fight,
he was ready for her and ducked as she threw a punch his way,
Terrance on the other hand went flying back from a powerful round house kick.

She desperately tried to stake Harry as he got to close to her,
Harry sneered at her attempts and he gave her a shove that sent her sprawling to the ground,
he went to pick her up by the neck but he was suddenly thrown away from her.

Terrance hissed and snarled "she's mine'"

Harry let out a ferousios growl, his eyes flashing dangerously " you dare touch her and I'll rip your bloody throat out!!"

Terrance grabed Rose before she could run away and said mockingly "once I've drained her dry, I'll be to powerful from her blood! You won't be able to touch me!"

Harry hissed "I disagree!"

The two shadows angrily stared each other down before Terrance, went to bite her and at the same time Harry put his hand out and concentrated.

I hope this works he thought.

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