Key To Hell

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Louis told them what was happening,
Niall and Liam listerned intently for once not making any snide comments.

Louis left out the part about Milly not wanting to worry everyone further.

Zayn looked at Niall and Louis who were being strangly quite "did you know about this meeting" Zayn asked them harshly.

Niall snapped "no we didn't!"

Everyone looked at them disberleaving "we didn't I swear!" Liam growled.

They both did look very disgruntled...

Suddenly Harry walked throught the door looking extreamly anoyed but he had green eyes??

Everyone stared at him.

"what?" he snaped harshly at them.

"your eyes" Amber said silently hoping..but Harry scoffed and rolled his eyes "contacts idiot!" .

Amber sighed in frustration her heart sinking again.

Harry suddenly seemed nervous as he said "any way I kind of need your guys help"

And once again everyone stared at him.
Everyone gaped at him.

"why would we help you?" Zayn hissed, his eyes flashing dangerously.

Harry growled "because all the humans may die if you don't!"

Perrie snapped "what's going on?!"

Harry bared his teeth at her as he growled "if you'd let me bloody finish I may be able to tell you!"
Perrie glared at him but fell silent.

Harry said "look, you know Terrance? Well his taking over, he organised a meeting here without freacking telling me! His got...a box with him, I belive your familer with these sorts of things Amber"

Amber said confused "a box?"

Harry said "it's gold, quite small,it has designs of the t-"

Amber gasped "oh god save us" she did a sign across her chest to ward of evil.

Both Harry, Niall and Liam looked unconfortible as she did the sign.

"what is it?" Louis demanded.

Amber's voice became horse 'most supernatural creatures know of is a key, a key to hell"

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