Punished and Newborn

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Terrance looked at the Zayn frowning then before he could react, more vampire's came in holding a struggling Louis? and a girl that I'd forgotten her name.

Terrance completely forgot about Zayn and smirked towards Louis and the other girl.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Harry, Liam and Niall seemingly moving Zayn into anouther room very quickly.

But I quickly looked at Louis, Louis let out a menacing hiss as he bared his teeth at his capters, his eyes turning darker and he grew angryer.

Louis with his fangs out on display and his pale skin looked complety like the vampires I hated, but at the same time I coud not bring myself to hate him as I rememberd our kiss and our first meeting.

Terrance sneered "get the newborn and the punished to face me!".

I blincked confused, newborn? Punished? As Terrance said "Punished" there was a growl and hiss of disgust ran through the crowd, one of the vampires made the girl face Terrance but I saw him looking at her neck were a scared but red bite mark was there in disgust.

I heard some mutterings of disgust in the crowd.
"look she has the mark of punishment"
"wonder what she did?"
"she deserves it filthy vampire"
"don't get to close to her"
"I wonder if we can kill her?"

I saw the girl with Louis hang her head in shame and I caught a glimpse of Harry looking guilty?
But Niall, Liam, Perrie and Zayn where no where to be seen.

No one really reacted to new born but I knew what that meant, newly made vampire, from what I heard over time you were called a newborn if you were a vampire for a 4 months.

That made me wonder, how long had Louis been a vampire for? And why was he and the girl the only ones without black eyes?

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