Blood Lust

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Zayn breathed deeply in, taking in the delicious smell, his stomach rumbled hungrily.

"Whats that smell?" Niall groaned.

A hungry growl ripped through Harry's throat, his eyes burning red.

Louis looked at them then looked back towards where the smell was coming from, making up his mind he ran for it as soon as he had made up his decision, the others did to and decided to follow him.

Louis didn't notice that he was running so fast that he was just a blur to the human eye, as was the rest of One Direction.

Louis soon found the source of the smell, there were six people standing out side some night club but two of them seemed to have had a fight, they were battered and blooded.

Louis watched them in the shadows, the hunger was now ruling his every sense of logic there was.

He realised it was the blood they'd all been drawn to but again Louis felt nothing, no disgust or no confusion, all he felt was hunger and all he wanted to do was satisfy it.

He felt four more presence's behind him and knew the others had caught up. All their burning red eyes seemed to glow slightly in the dark, giving them a very inhuman look.

The people outside the bar hadn't noticed them yet but the girl who had got some blood on her, as she was trying to wipe it off she turned around... And she looked into the five sets of blood thirsty red eyes, she was started to scream as they stepped outside of the shadow's so all the six people could see them.

The people there couldn't really see the five teens that much but they could see their unnaturally glowing red hungry eyes and the aura's of danger and darkness the five teens were now giving off, it kicked into their own instincts of fight or flight.

Niall was the first to strike as one of the men tried for a punch, Niall caught the fist in his hand then squeezed and a cruel smile graced his features as he felt the grown man's bones in his hands snapping.

The man cried out in pain but before he could scream Niall gave into his new instincts and bit down on the mans neck aggressively.

This caused chaos, the people screamed and tried to run but they didn't stand a chance, Louis, Liam, Zayn and Harry attacked hungrily.

Zayn grabbed the girl and pinned her up against the wall, she was about to scream when he murmured "Sh, don't struggle now"

Zayn was surprised at the sound of his voice she stopped struggling and her scream stopped as she stared into his hypnotizing eyes.

Zayn brushed his lips against her neck then went in for the kill as two of his canine teeth morphed into two sharp fangs.

Her blood poured down his throat.


Zayn let out a moan of pleasure, it tasted so good!

His taste buds felt like they were exploding in his mouth and from then on Zayn knew he wouldn't be able to live again without this delicious liquid, he needed it!

Wanted it!

He's gulps of her blood became almost feverish, his body was trembling with need.

He could hear her heartbeat in his ears slowing but he didn't care, all he wanted was more of her blood, oh so much more! It gave him a glorious rush of power through his veins.

Liam was bearing down on one of the men, he'd broken the mans legs and laughed the cruelly at the pathetic trembling man before him.

"Please, I have a wife and children" The man pleaded.

Liam like all of them was far to gone to care, he bared his teeth showing of his long fangs and sneered his voice cold and dark "And what makes you think I give a shit?"

Liam hissed and went to strike when out of the corner of his eye he saw a girl running away, everyone was occupied with someone else what should he do?

Before he could make up his mind Harry saw her to and dropped the dead girl he'd been feeding of, he wiped his mouth on his sleeve then sped after her before she could go any further he had her against a lamp post.

A snarl came out of his mouth, he lifted up his head to strike and...

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