Missing someone

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One Direction Pov

Zayn was starting to get worrid, Amber hadn't come back in a while, Perrie was also worrid but she was to busy testing out her new Vampire abilitys, well her speed and strength.

Louis was trying to read a book, Niall was texting Amy, Amy was in the car outside, no one wanted her near Perrie yet and Liam was switching to channel to channel on the telivision but they all felt it, the room was so quite without Harry, they felt like they were misssing a piece of themselfs without him, like the group didn't fit together somehow.

Perrie suddenly accidently crashed into the sofa, causing Louis to drop his book,Louis spun around to face her, he had been getting more irritated about little things ever since Harry was no longer with them and he snarled "FOR GODS SAKE!!! WOULD YOU STOP THAT!!!".

Perrie stilled and steped back hurt and shocked at Louis anger.

Zayn wasn't best pleased "Don't speak to her like that!". He hissed.

Louis glared angrily back at Zayn, Zayn gritted his teeth together as he decided to go and see what was keeping Amber.

He walked down stares to see...the Celler! It was locked! Zayn opened it quickly then he was hugged by a scared Amber "I'm so sorry, I shouldnt of been alone with him! He tricked me I-" Zayn hugged Amber back cutting her of "it's fine' he said soothingly but inside he was panacking, he rememberd how blood thirsty Niall had been and he knew that Harry wouldnt hesitate to kill any humans he came across.

Zayn hurriedly walked up stares, Amber with him as they got into the room, all was quite, everyone was staring intently at the Telivision, Zayn cleared his throat, no one payed any attention.

'um guys?" Zayn said but Louis hissed "Sh!!!" Zayn felt irritation go through him, what was so good that was on telivision anyway!? But as he listerned to the news reporter talking about recent deaths outside...a pub, picture's of 8 people came up on the screen, 8 very familier looking people...

The reporter spoke solemly and Zayn knew what ever happened to those people must not be good but he was unprepared what he heard, it made him stiffin in shock and dread...

The 8 people had died from loss of blood...the reporter showed a picture of them lying dead on the ground, their throats seemed to have been torn out, Zayn felt ill, then the reporter said "one girl has survived but she is in no stable condition to talk about it, she has become very instable after the attack claiming 5 guys attacked them, 5 guys who she described as having red eyes and fangs, the doctor has said that her mind is in denial, in to much detress to remember the tragic advent and it has been said that one more girl may have servived but she is missing, her parents miss her dearly and ask anyone who has heard any thing to call them, the numbers are up on the screen, this is the picture of the girl" one direction all gave sharp in takes of breath as they stared at the photo "Amy right was last seen a couple of weeks ago with her freind Sammy, Sammy died in the attack but Amy is missing please if you have any word please please for her family can you call this number".

One Direction all rememberd the faterful day, when they were all shadows but none rememberd it more than Niall, it was all to much and Niall coverd his face as tears trickled down as he was swollowed his own guilt, its all right she forgave you, he thought over and over again but that didnt help the guilt buiding even more inside of him. Amber was to shocked to say anything while Zayn was wincing knowing in a couple of seconds that he'd deliver even more bad news, Harry had escaped.

"What are we going to do now? What are we going to tell Amy?" Liam groaned.

Perrie said nerversly "you...you killed those People? You killed Amys freind? B-but I dont understand, why is Amy here then?..you killed 6 people?!"

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