If Thats My Humanity Then Whats This?

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"You wanted us babe?" Harrys voice was close, to close...near her ear, she could feel his warm breath agaisnt her skin, she shiverd but it had nothing to do with fear or coldness.

Amber spun around to see Harry extreamly close to her, she looked at his kissible lips for a second then...What the hell was she doing? Amber took a step back notercing Niall leaning agaisnt a tree near them looking at her amused.

Amy and the rest of the group walked outside, Perrie glared at Harry while Harry smiled mockingly back.

Amber glanced at Amy as she said "mabye you should go inside"
Amy shook her head and Niall snorted "relax, I wont bite her" everyone stopped tensing but then stiffened again in anger as Niall added smirking "I'm to full from last night, right Haz?"
Harry just grinned his responce.

Perrie hissed "so it was you!"

Niall gave her a look and Harry said in a duh voice "yeah, who else?"

Amber managed to collect herself as she snapped "dont you relise what you did? you almost exposed vampire kind! you've killed so many people that have loved ones, mabye even children!"

Amy shook her head, tears dripping down her face...How could Niall kill so caulessly like this? Was the Niall she knew truly gone? Was their no humanity left?

Harry said drawled "and I care because?"

Amber said firmly "because I belive, you still have some humanity left!"

Zayn clearly did not agree and snorted "yeah right"

Harry cocked his head to side as he looked at her his eyes narrowed "oh really? and why may I ask is that?" he drawed the question out into a hiss at the end as he took a menacing step forwards.

Amber growled "because if you didnt you wouldnt of helped turn Perrie back into her old self!
if you didnt you wouldnt of come to the concert to keep an eye on us!
if you didnt you would have killed us already!
you could do it right now.
I know how strong slayer blood can make a vampire,
when you fought Perrie you could of easily broken her shield but you left us with time,
you also let us escape, even though you were threatening Terrance I sensed that you wernt being fully controlled by your instincs like Terrance was I thought I made a mistake but I know now I didnt,
you could of stopped us escaping easily but again you didnt! it may be you doing it without realising the reasoning behind your actions but thats it...thats your humanity, it may not be much because your a shadow but its there! it'll always be there!"

Everyone gaped at her but Amber stood firm staring into Harrys black eyes who stared coldly back at her.

Harry sneered at her,
he glanced over into the forest as he said coldly "If thats my humanity..."

Suddenly Harry was gone,

he'd disapeared using vampire speed then he came back holding a women in his arms,
she didnt have time to scream as Harry growled "then whats this?"
Harrys eyes turned a blood red and his fangs extended and Amber yelled "No!" to late Harry bit agressivly into the womens neck and in a couple of seconds she was dead,
her body completly drained of blood.

Harry smiled creuly at her, his lips ruby red from the womens blood as he licked the blood of his lips hungrily.

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