We've Got Some Serious Explaining To Do

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Victoria stepped backwards, she was sure he was a shadow, her vampire sense's had been ringing in her ears, maybe she was getting slow in her old age "I'm sorry, there must be a misunderstanding" She said.

"Misunderstanding? You thought I was a shadow didn't you? You couldn't freaking wait to kill me" Niall snapped at her.

One Direction were shocked but tried to play along "Exactly! We're obviously not welcome here" Zayn said coldly.

"Come on guys!" Harry said leading them towards the front door of the pub.

"Wait! What about my customer's!?" Victoria yelled after them waving her hands around her still zombified vampire customers.

"I don't know, stick them in a coffin or somthing!" Harry retorted.

Victoria was not best pleased at this answer as she yelled after them "You won't last a week in the human society, slayers will spot you easily! You'll be staked on sight!".

"We'll take that chance!" Louis yelled back as they opened the door to the day time and the sun.

One Direction stepped out into the sunlight cautiously, the sun almost blinded their sensetive eyes and they could feel the hottness of the sun bare down on them but apart from that nothing happened, they felt uncomfortable but that was all.

As soon as they were outside Niall dropped his facade and dropped to his knee's retching, he throw up his stomach contents, his sick was blood red it. Niall stared at it with self loathing and guilt then running his hands throught his hair frantically, his eyes welled up with tears how could he say and do such things? He was sweating and trembling.

Liam asked kindly "When?"

Niall winced at Liam's tone of voice, how could he sound so forgiving? He didn't need their pity!

"While I was singing I guess I came back to m-my senses" Niall said so quietly, his friends had to strain their ears to hear him.

"Glad your back" Zayn said.

"I was always there" Niall said, his voice cracking slightly.

"I don't know why I-oh god!"

He buried his head in his hands.

Harry tried to comfort Niall and put his hand on Niall's shoulder.

"Its okay" He said but Niall cringed at Harry's touch and stood up suddenly at Harry's words.

His eyes flashed black as he hissed 'No! It's not!" A growl ripped through Nialls whole body as he bared his sharp teeth and Harry stepped backwards, alarmed.

Niall suddenly seemed to realise what he was doing and let out a moan of shock and despair and stepped backwards his eyes turning blue again, he whimpered "No, no"

Niall hated his freinds pitying looks, they shouldn't pity him! They should hate him, it's what he deserved.

Tears poured down Nialls eyes as he stepped away from his friends refusing their comforting gestures as he thought back to the two men and the young girl he killed.

"Niall look man it-" Zayn begain but Niall just snapped "No! J-just don't, don't sugarcoat it for me Zayn, just don't... " Nialls voice trailed of weakly as he moved away more from his band mates.

"Niall..." Liam said.

Niall moved even more away from them "I-I just need some time alone for a sec..Yeah?" Niall said his voice strained.

Harry was about to argue but Liam cut him of "Of course, find us when you're ready"

Niall gave them a weak nod then in a blink of an eye Niall disappeared as he ran of using his vampire speed.

As soon as he was gone Harry snapped at Liam "Why'd you let him go! He needs-"

"He needs time alone to deal with what's happened" Liam said firmly interrupting Harry.

Harry was about to argue then shut his mouth giving up he sighed "I guess you're right".

Slowly they walked in the way Niall had run, keeping to the shade so the sun wasn't to bright for them, suddenly a black van pulled up besides them.

Zayn felt himself tensing and crouching slightly.

"Where the hell have you guys been!?" A voice roared at them as van stopped where they were walking.

A very worrid but relieved man jumped out, it was Paul...Oh shit.

"You've got some serious explaining to do!" Snapped their tour manager and bodyguard.

It didn't help that One Direction could hear Paul's heartbeat and he smelt delicious.

One Direction all tensed as Paul got closer then they remembered what Paul has asked them.

Louis was trying to come up with an idea to get them out of trouble, what the hell where they meant to say? We've been turned into vampires so you may not want to get to close? "I'm waiting! And where's Niall?" Paul asked them.

They came up with the most clever response "Umm"

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