Whatever It Takes

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Milly and Louis walked out side hurridly.

Three Humans were standing there, their heads held high.


Milly steped infront of Louis shielding him from few.

A couple of the werewolfs snarled at the humans.

Eleanor shot a worrid glance towards Louis and Milly whisperd to him "dont make a sound, do whatever we say clear?"

Louis shot her a confused look, why was everyone scared of three humans.

Then Louis spotted somthing on the three humans belt...stakes.

They were slayers...vampire slayers.
One of them steped forward importantly.

He was a young man around Louis age. He looked important.

"We have some important news on the vampires" The Man said.

All the werewolfs percked up and Louis felt a stab of hurt as he saw Eleanor liserning eagirly to the man, eager for a kill.

Drew smirked and sent Louis a sneer as the man began to speak again in a pompus voice.

"We have reason to believe that the vampires from the recent attacks are meeting after a concert in the O2 at midnight"

Just then Louis phone rang and the slayers all turned to look at him...

Louis gulped as he picked up his mobile "hello?"

Zayns voice came out the phone "where the hell are you? Are concert starts in around 5 minutes, Liam and Niall have already turned up man, I cant hold in my temper, their freacking snidy comments are getting the best of me! where are you?!"

Louis eyes widened "concert? What concert?"

Zayn hissed "it was a last minuite one, I didnt know intill 2 hours ago! it finish's around 15 minute to midnight, can you believe that?"

Louis said shackily "and um where exactly in this concert Zayn?"

Zayn said "its at the O2, come quickly man" then Zayn hung up.

The vampires meeting place was at the O2...his concert was at the O2, Louis gulped at the suspios looks everyone apart from Drew, Eleanor and Milly were now sending him.
"Who is he? He looks familer" One of the slayers asked, she had black hair and a tanned complexion as she eyeed Louis with dislike.

Drew opened his mouth however Eleanor interupted "his part of the pack, his new"

Louis stiffened, why hadnt she said he was human?

The slayer still looked suspios but they let it go for now.

The black haird girl slayer said stiffly "anyway, we are going to go to this concert and lye in wait for the vampires, we are asking your pack because you are the closest pack allied with us but be warned, these vampires will be strong, some of you may not servive"

Eleanor snorted as she said "we live to protect humans from those evil killers, we'll do what we have to do, you slayers are only human you should worry about yourselfs"

The slayers angrily glared at her and the man snapped "we have been taught how to deal with vampires for years, are knollage in destroying them goes back to the days when other humans were just taking there first steps on earth"

Drew said coldly "if your so good, why did your lead slayer get killed, what was her name again?...oh yeah, rose?"

The Slayers stiffened and a girl with blonde hair said coldly "she is not our lead slayer, it was a misfortune and the vampire she was up against from witnesses was stronger than useal, we believe somthing else was in play as well..."

Drew demanded "what is that?"

The man said "that is classified information!"

Eleanor growled "we're going to fight with you to the end if may be! you cant keep secerts!"

The girl with blonde hair sneered "It is not in your right to speak! we are talking to the Alpha, keep your second in command in control"

Louis blincked shocked, Eleanor was second in command?

Eleanor reddened as Drew shot her a glare as he said not sounding at all sorry "sorry about that"

"Any way, we all need to meet outside the O2" the man said and at that the slayers walked away.

Louis quickly said "also I need to go...Zayn needs me"

Eleanor nodded as she said awkwardly "I'll let you know how the fight go's"

Nobody knew that his concert was the one at the O2.

Louis walked over to her and grabbed her hand "promise you wont get hurt?"

Eleanor sighed looking down as she said "I can't promise you that Louis"

Louis pulled her closer to him as he says nervesly "Promise...whatever happens y-you wont hate me?"

Eleanor looked confused "why would I hate you?"

Louis opened his mouth then closed it as he gulped "um...no reason" he said his voice cracking thinking of her looking at him in hate and disgust when she finds out what he is.

Louis turns to go but Eleanor suddenly grabs him
She said "oh come here you dork"

Eleanor then kiss's him on the mouth.

Louis yelp of suprise turns into a groan of pleasure feeling her agaist him.
There kiss becomes more passionate and is laced with determination in longing, they will get throught this whatever it takes!

Just before Louis left Milly grabs him and whispers in his ear "lock them in a closed room then don't worry everything will sort it self out soon"

Milly then gave him a wink as Louis walked away feeling more confused than ever.

Lock who in a room and why?

Louis managed to get some of his security to take him to his concert as he was filled with dread about what was going to happen but one thing was for sure he needed to warn his freinds.

It didn't matter if most of them where evil and would have no problem ripping his heart out, he rememberd what they'd been like before and he'd always have hope that they would somehow against all odds change back into their normal selfs.

That's why he was going to try and help and save them...he had hope, he always had hope because without it Louis knew he was nothing.

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