A Sticky End

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I sneered coldly at Terrance.

"I'm going to kill you" I growled, advancing menacingly.

"I didn't want to be a shadow, I didn't want to be turned into a vampire, I wanted to have a normal life! I have no one to blame, Amber couldn't control her self and we were just in the wrong place at the wrong time...So I'm going to take my frustrations out on you!" I hissed.

"We've all killed so many people because of you!" I snarled, I was very close to him now.

Terrance snapped back, trying to be brave but his voice shook slightly "You killed those people on your own free will, I did nothing!"

I grabbed him by the throat and raised him up high, his feet not touching the ground anymore.

I hissed "No, your kind never do! You just set everything up and watch the show!"

My hand tightens on his throat, my mind wonders of ways to kill him painfully, rip his head of very slowly? Rip his heart out while his still alive? Snap his neck? There were so many intersting ways to do this.

I smiled wickidly as I thought about them.

Then a gruesome idea filled my head and I almost laughed with my own generous plan.

I sneered at him "Mmm, I think I have the most intersting and painful way for you to go"

I leaned into his ear and whisperd "Niall gave me the idea, he filled someone up with water drowning them from the inside at one point, so I wonderd what would happen if I filled you up with air?"

Terrance tensed even more as he paled.

I laughed cruelly at his fear "You know what I think? I think you'd blow up like a balloon very slowly then..." I clapped my hands together grinning when he flinched "Bang!!!" I said at the same time.

I chuckled darkly as he started to try and struggle from my grip but it was no use, I was to strong.

Terrance gasped "Please!"

I smirked at him as I let him fall to the ground and I focused my energy on him, and when I touched him, the wind picked up from no where and I didn't know but my eye's had turned silver.

And just like that he started to inflate....

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