I know what you are.

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Louis gaped at Eleanor as she finished her story, Eleanor hadn't given him the information about the werewolf bits but from what she had said he could guess why she had been kicked out and who the group of people that helped her were. Eleanor shifted nervously into Louis stare "Well...That was unexpected" Louis said timidly.

Eleanor gave a nervous laugh "So your not scared of? Most guys are, apparently I have to much "baggage" for one normal guy to handle"

Louis forced himself not to laugh at the irony "Well I'm not a normal guy" he said, he wished that his statement wasnt so true. Louis fought with himself in his mind, should he tell her? Should he break up with her? She hated vampires so she'd hate him, but she doest have to find out a voice pointed out inside his head...no he didn't have to tell her, she was a great girl, she didn't need to know, he didn't want to lose her.

"Eleanor, I have somthing to tell you" Louis blurted out, Louis slammed his hands over his mouth, what the hell was that? He thought, didn't he just agree that he wasn't going to tell her? What the hell was wrong with him? Me and my big mouth Louis thought irritable...Eleanor was looking at him suprised at his strange behaviour.

Oh well here goes nothing Louis thought as he opened him mouth and said "Eleanor...I know what you are" Eleanor stiffened in shock meanwhile back at the hotel Amy was still being held "hostage" and Zayn would be back in a couple of minutes "You know it be quicker to torcher her" Amber said carmly, Harry gave her an angry glare and Amber huffed "Or not"

Amy watched the interaction curios "So are you to dating?" she asked randomly trying not to think about the situation she was in.

"No!" they both shouted together.

"Where did you get that idea from!?" Harry more than growled and Amy shifted nervously at the two angry vampires before her but was suprised when she heard a snigger from behind her, Niall was sniggering behind her and Liam was chuckling amused "Slightly overly defensive you to" Liam said grinning.

"No I'm not!" Amber snarled but then realised that she did sound a bit to defensive she tried in a strained normal tone "I mean no I'm not! We are not dating and we will never do so! I'm his fake girlfreind! Fake! There's no way I have feelings for that pig!"

Harry hissed back "Glad we understand each other!".

Just then the door opened and Zayn walked in Amy stiffened in fright wondering what Harry meant by letting Zayn deal with her meant, the previous discussion forgotten. Zayn looked over at Harry "You sure about this?" he asked him but Harry quickly nodded so Zayn walked slowly over to Amy who tried again to make a break for it but was held back suddenly by Nialls iron grip.

Zayn caught Amy's chin and twisted her face around so she had to look at him as spoke "Okay Amy you are going to tell us everything you know about the slayer comunity, what they do and how to destroy and avoid them" his voice seemed to echo in Amy's mind, his eye's so compelling and his voice so smooth like silk, before she knew what she was doing she started to lose herself, all her will power had been sucked dry some how, her mind was in a daze, she could hardly think properly.

The only thing that seemed to make sense in her head was that question and she knew the answer as well...mabye she could tell them? What difference did it make? Why did she always have to keep this slayer's bussness secret? She'd lost so much because of it and she couldn't take it any more as she said...

All the while that was going on Louis and Eleanor had been sitting there awkwardly in silence, finaly Eleanor said nervously "I don't know what your talking about" she stood up "Mabye it's best I go" she said quickly but Louis grabbed her hand "No...Please, stay".

Eleanor's eyes widened at his strong hold which stopped her from going to the door, usaully humans were not that strong, she licked her lips nervously, Louis knew in her head she was waying up her options, Louis refused to let go, he needed to talk to her, finaly Eleanor sat down, looking reluctant.

"What do you know?" she asked timidly, what is wrong with me? Eleanor thought, we're had her confidence gone? She should of ran out of the door and never looked back...But she didn't so she sat there and waited for Louis to speak.

"I know your a werewolf" Louis said lowering his voice so know one could hear, Eleanor gaped at him "H-how?". Louis sighed and scratched his head, this was going to be differcult, what could he say the wind spoke to him? Hah, she'd think he was crazy.

"I followed you into the woods, I overheard your conversation with Drew..." Eleanor blincked shocked, impossible, she would have smelt him so close by wouldn't she? Mabye she'd been to distracted by arguing with drew and wanting to see Louis again she hadn't smelt him, Yeah that must of been it.

Soon Eleanor's suprise turned to Irritation "You shouldn't of Eve's dropped, what if Drew had smelt you? Your just a human! You could of been hurt!" Louis felt a slice of anger and he said firmly "I can take care of myself".

Eleanor shook her head aggressively "You don't know what we can do!" she snapped, she didn't want him hurt but she was unprepared for his reply as he snapped back "Then show me!".

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