The Playful and Dangerous Effects Of The Wind

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A day had past and night had fallen, Louis snuck out of the house to meet Eleanor.

Eleanor was waiting for him at the woods,
Louis had put on loads of deodriants to try and make sure she wouldnt be able to smell what he was.

Eleanor waited for him by some woods nervously,
she was always nervous now a days, there had been reports of vampire attacks everywhere however the thing was that no vampires had attempted to attack her pack,
it was like they were waiting for somthing,
she'd knew that vampires useauly operated alone however the attacks had proved that the vampires were attacking as a group.

Louis spotted Eleanor by the woods, he smiled at her as he greeted her.

Eleanor suggested "why dont we go into the woods to talk more?"

Louis nodded nerversly, they walked into the woods together,
Louis slowly slipped his hand into her's.

She stiffened then smiled warmly at him, they walked together for a while in silence so Louis asked her "so you wanted me?"

Eleanor said "well I dont know if you heard but theres been a bit of trouble lately"

Louis frowned as he said "about the recent deaths?"

Eleanor shudderd "yes...the vampire population is rising recently and its not safe for humans...did you hear about the Pub incedent a couple of weeks ago, horrofying dont you agree? Vampires caused it"

Louis cringed remembering what had caused it or did he explain he knew who the killers where but they used to be his best mates and our part of one direction?

She needed to warn Louis of what was happeing, he was only human he couldnt defend himself and she didnt want him stuck in the supernatural world...

Eleanor had no idea how stuck-in-the-middle of it Louis really was.

Eleanor Pov

I walked with Louis to where are pack was,
as I walked him I noticed slight things about him that made my heart beat faster...

His skin was utterly flawless...

His muscles looked thick and lean.

His Jawline was rounded and strong.

He walked gracefully much more graceful than a normal human walked.

His footsteps were silent and steady,
Louis eyes were a mixture of green and blue,
I felt like I could stare into his eyes forever.

As I looked into his eyes it reminded of me of things,
It reminded me of the fresh breath of Oxigen after I'd been swimming.
It reminded me of the cool wind on hot days made sure no one was to hot...
It made her think of little kids playing their kites in the air,
as the wind gently played with the kites making the kids laught and play.

I shook my head frowning,
why had his eyes reminded me of those things?
odd, my imigination was weird.

Soon we reached the camp, and I smiled hoping that this meeting would go ok...oh who am I kidding?
My Lucks rubbish.

"Well looks like Caitlyns back with her pet" I felt Louis stiffin besides me.
I gritted my teeth...
great the first person he had to meet and it had to be Drew?


My instincs were flaring,
Eleanor smelt great,
she smelt of the wild and danger whilst Drew just smelt of wet dog.

I felt my teeth sharpening and the urge to rip his throat out became stronger,
espesiosly when he called me caitlyn's pet,
I almost growled in anger,

I was a freacking vampire and at the moment I wanted to rip his head of.

There was somthing about him that made me want to hold Eleanor tighter and to bare my teeth at him...he was a threat and my vampire instincs were acting up but I managed to hold it in,

Smiling tightly at Drew who was looking me over sneering.

I straightened up and I was pleased when I realised I was taller than him, Drew didnt seen that pleased though...

Eleanor's Pov

I watched the two boys more like men stare each other down to my suspire Drew suddenly paled and he looked fearful? Drew suddenly quickly looked away but he looked confused?
Louis smiled in triumpth.

Drew gave him an angry glare "so are you a couple?" Drew demanded his voice shaking with barly controled rage, not looking at Louis.

"Um.." I said, I'd only seen in what 5 or 4 times? But I felt really connected to him for somereason but did I want to be a couple? He was human after all, he could get easily hurt but Louis took over for me.

His arms wrapped around my waiste as he said firmly "yes we are".

My eyes widened as I flushed and I nodded along with Louis, Drew looked furious and my eyes widened as I herd a painful cracking sound of bones and I realised Drew was changing!

"Louis get out of the way!" It was to late and in a heartbeat a large black wolf stood were Drew had been and Drew lunged...

Drew snarled "you're stupid for coming here vampire! we'll rip you to pieces"

Louis said coldly "I dont think so, how about you keep your mouth shut?"

Drew growled "and what makes you think I'll do that?"

Louis hold tightened on him and Louis eyes darkened, they almost looked black...

"Because the pack will need a new Aplha if you dont!, I'm sure Eleanor will love filling in that spot, She'd be a better job than you'd ever do!" Louis hissed,

his whole being was screaming to finish the werwolf,

his instincs controlling him as Louis hold tightened even more and Drew struggled to breath.

Drew stared into Louis eyes and for a moment Drew felt fear as an image of an Hurracane ripping homes apart then Louis blincked and the image was gone...Drew felt shock as he wonderd why on earth did I think of those things?

Louis suddenly let go of Drew and let out a groan cluching his head, he'd been about to kill Drew! what the hell was wrong with him?

Get a grip Louis! he told himself angrily.

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