Fire And Water Dont Mix

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Suddenly Perrie was slammed into a tree, she gasped in pain as the tree cracked under the force.

Perrie desperatly tried to make her shield to work to get the attacker of her, but she was to panicked it wouldnt work.

She was pinned against the tree as she stared into blazing red eyes but as she stared into his eyes Perrie swore their were flecks of dark blue swirling in the shadows eyes.

The blue reminded her of the ocean but not the kind steady ocean, it reminded her of the raging sea in the storms crashing agaisnt hills sending houses into the dephs below.

It reminded her of the tsunami floods breaking down buildings and pulling and drowning people to their

It reminded her of the ferouises rapids that killed so many people if you wernt carful, if you wernt alert then the rocks and the water would be your doom.

Then the blue disapeared and so did the images of the storming angry sea in her mind.

All was left was darkness and an angry red.

Perrie gulped and didnt dare struggle in Nialls dangerous bone breaking grip.

Niall snarled baring his sharp fangs at Perrie.

Niall let her go and gave her a large shove, she sprawled along the floor suddenly Zayn was at her side.

He checked her for injuries before standing infront of her, protecting her from Niall.

Niall angrily looked at her as he snarled at Zayn "get out of way!" his voice was completly different, it sounded more animal, more beast.

She had killed his prey! the human was his! not hers! Niall angrily thought as he stepped closer.

Zayn shook his head refusing to move looking Niall in the eyes.

Both refused to back down, Perrie rememberd and water she thought dont mix.
Zayns eyes seemed to flash orange she could see fire dancing in his eyes and Nialls eyes!

They were blue again however they were a much darker blue than before, she knew he had the same eyes that she'd looked into when he'd pinned her against the tree.

She began to feel hot as the area began to heat up, Perrie knew Zayn was coursing this then she gasped as the mud she was standing in started to change to a more murky sunstance, it became wetter and wetter, it started to make her sinc slightly into the mud.

Perrie looked into Zayns fire lit eyes...big mistake.

Zayns eyes like Nialls sent her nasty images into her head.

Perrie remembered the ferousios fire burning down houses, buring anything that got in its way, she saw little kids trapped into the house screaming in terror, she then saw a desert with animals dying all around her because of heat exsaution.

It reminded her of what was said in her history class, the great fire of london in 1666, she'd seen paintings of the horror of that time thousands of homes that were brought to ashes, many people were killed or went missing.

She thought of volcano's and their spitting deadly lava that came out of it.

She thought of the earths core full of heat.

She thoufght of the heat waves that came out of the volcano's that boiled people alive.

Perrie saw the sun, the ball of fire and gas, which burned so hight that no one could get close to it.

She saw the future of the earth trillions of years in the future the sun expanding and burning the the would comsume all.

Perrie felt tears of terror consume her, she couldnt stop but glancing into Nialls eyes one last time.

She saw into a possible future like she had in Zayns, she saw the ice melting and the water rising, she saw thousands of floods torment the earth and irlands begin to overcome by water.

Perrie saw globel warming at its worst, the water rose and rose, and very soon all she knew, was gone...flooded by the Sea.

The sea was an altermite force, nothing could stop it...

Perrie saw dams being broken, she saw people running away in fear but no one got away...
no one could escape...
no one could run...
no one could hide.

please comment and vote :)  Thank you for everyones who's commeted and voted so far, I'll thank everyone probably once I've finished the story :)

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