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Louis woke up gasping for breath that would not come, why couldn't he breath?

Suddenly he realised that it didn't seem to matter, his body was functioning normaly without him breathing, how could that be?

He looked around, his memory suddenly came back, they were attacked by some crazy girl!

He saw his band mates all on the ground, next to him but didn't look at them, he knew how messed up they were, was that girl on steroids or something?

And why had she got red eyes?

Louis was suprised at how well he could see, his vision seemed to much clearer somehow but he felt ...different.

There was a strange feeling shooting up and down his body making him feel tingly and stronger?

He also felt strangely numb not physicaly but mentally, it was like his emotions had ran away, even the shock he was feeling was minumem and he was suprised at how little he cared that his freinds would be alright, well, he cared but not as much as he normally would.

As he thought of the syco girl that had attacked them he remembered, the fear he'd felt as he stared into her blood red eyes and felt her teeth attack his neck but now as he thought back to it, no fear rendered his mind at all.

He just wanted revenge, images of what he wanted to do to her ran through his mind, a pleasurable feeling sped through his body as he thought about it.

It was strange that what he wanted to do to her would have sickened him before, hell he didn't even think he was capable to think those things but not now, somthing about him was different, like whatever had happened to him in this alleyway had awakened somthing inside himself, somthing dark, something.. dangerous but it felt soo good.

Harry Styles woke up suddenly, he gasped for breath then "Hey, calm down"

He looked up to see...was that Louis?

He looked different.

The first thing he said was "Your eyes!"

They had changed to a cold hollow black colour.

Louis raised his eye brows and said "I should be saying that to you"

Harry frowned and asked"What do you mean?"

"Your eyes are black mate" Louis said calmly.

Harry blinked shocked then he said "So are yours"

This time it was Louis's turn to look shocked.

"Huh, that's strange" Louis said.

Harry nodded but the really strange thing was it didn't feel strange, he didn't feel scared or confused, he felt calm and...good?

Like really good.

The feeling of numbness and strange pins and needles was shooting up his body but it didn't hurt, it just gave him a feeling of pure pleasure and new strength that was buzzing inside his body, what was happening?

Next Liam and Zayn stirred, all there eyes were a cold black as well.

Zayn noticed all off them looked extreamly pale but it was the oppersites so how he was feeling, he felt bloody fantastic.

The more the numbness took hold of his body and his emotions the better he felt, the other's noticed this to.

Zayn thought Liam would be more responsible and worried about what was happening to them but what ever was affecting them was effecting Liam to because like them he couldn't care less.

Niall was the last to awake, Liam thought it was odd how the black icy eyes suited Niall, they suited everyone there.

Zayn asked "You okay?"

Niall touched his throat looking suprised that there was no mark were the mad girl had tried to basically eat them, they'd all been suprised at that.

Niall made a choking noise.

"Why can't I breath?" he asked as he tryed to force air up into his lungs but his body did nothing it was like his lungs was not working anymore but that was impossible...wasn't it?

Louis shrugged, just as confused as everyone else "We're all like that"

Niall accepted this answer but then closed his eyes and a moan graced his mouth but it wasn't of pain but of pleasure.

"And why do I feel like... This?" he asked them.

He felt so freakin good!

Harry repeated Louis as he said "We all do"

Niall asked "Why not let the numb feeling take over? It's just dam, I love this feeling" His voice turned breathless with need.

"I-I want more" Niall groaned.

"So do I " Harry hissed.

Harry was curled up into some sort of ball.

Liam finally stepped in "But the numbness takes over our emotions, do we want that? Would we even care about are loved ones anymore?"

Zayn snorted "And since when has love done you any favours Liam?"

It was harsh but true, an image of Danielle's face popped into Liam's head, it made Liam's mind up quickly, all love ever brought was pain as he remembered their heart breaking break up.

"Okay let's do it" Liam said.

"Finally' Louis gasped out.

"On my mark" Liam said "Three, two, one!"

As soon as he said this One Direction let and encouraged the numbness take over them.

If someone was watching they would have see One Directions black eyes turn even more back and soulless looking, a bone chilling coldness had crept into their whole body's and if a person was watching this, they would have wanted to run.

Harry gasped as he started to feel more powerful, he grew stronger in a matter of seconds and his emotions had been completely switched off.

Harry didn't feel a speck of friendship with the boys that stood before him, if they were a threat he'd kill them off just as easy, he didn't know all the other boys were thinking the exact same thing.

The 5 boys all looked at each other all calculating gaze's, they didn't know what was happening to them or care, everything had changed.

The wind changed direction and they all as if on instinct, breathed in...Big mistake, a delicious smell thrived through their nostrils, their eyes turning a blood thirsty red.

All of them suddenly to rapped up on hunger and a sudden feeling of starvation and extreme thirst to notice that their eyes were just like the girl that had attacked them.

They all didn't notice how sharp their teeth had gotten all of a sudden, they didn't think on why they were this hungry, all they knew that this thirst burning through their veins had to be sated and it had to be now!

I Accidentally Turned One Direction Into Vampires!Where stories live. Discover now