I'm Not Giving Up On You Yet!

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Amber pov

"so how on earth are we going to get out of here?" I asked Harry as my eyes grew more acustemed to the darkness, I could see Harry pretty easily now, he'd taken his contacts of so I looked into black eyes.

Harry smirked as he said suggestivly "I've got a few ideas"

I looked away feeling hot all of a sudden "ok what is the deal with you anyway! I thought shadows couldnt feel any emotions!"

Harry rolled his eyes as he walked over to me he said "I do feel emotions, just not the positive ones.."

Harry was very close to me as he made sure I was looking into his eyes as he said smirking "Let me help you, have you ever heard of this qoates?"

Harry pulled my chin so I was looking into his face and his voice changed, it was deeper more mysterious as he qoated very familer lines.

"A proud look, A lying tongue, Hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that devises wicked plots, Feet that are swift to run into mischief, A deceitful witness that uttereth lies, Him that soweth discord among brethren?"

I said feeling fear at his words "yes"

Harry smirked as he said "then thats what I can feel"

I said slowly, my voice trembling "the seven deadly sins"

Amber's Pov

Harry smirked as he moved closer to me as he moved a hair out of my face.

"I can feel, Pride, Envy, Wrath is a defiante one, sloth, greed, Gluttony" Harry paused and he grinned at me, his eyes darkned as he breathed down my neck, one of his fingers stroking the bite mark that was scaring he'd given me "Lust" he said huskily making me shiver.

"I dont believe that" I said, my voice trembling.

Harry frowned "what..?"

I said more strongly " I still believe in what I said before, you may feel bad things but thats still part of your humanity, no ones perfect, thats what makes us feel..human, you killed that women to try and prove to us that you had no humanity but it showed me you didnt like us saying that, you felt angry and defensive..."

Harry's smirk was wiped from his face, his teeth bared "I could rip your heart out"

I snorted "you keep saying that but when you going to do it?

you've never tried to kill your band mates,

I know thats because the fact your a clan but you feel protective over Liam and Niall dont you? you've never tried to kill me before,

whys that?

you've had a go at Perrie and Amy but never me!

why not me?"

Harry's jaw was clenched as he didnt respond.

I carried on "I think I know why...you like me dont you?

you felt atracted to me when you wernt a shadow but you refused to admit it because I was the girl that ruined your life,

and I'm sorry for that,

I really am, you'll never know how guilty and sorry I am!

I think you still hate me for it to but at the same time you have feelings for me,

you think its just lust but its not! if it was you'd just want to do me and be done with it!

you wouldnt care about if you hurt me or not! but you do care!

if you didnt,

I'd already be dead for the things I've told you,

I've seen how you work,

if someone says somthing bad to you,

that you dont like,

you hurt them or kill them,

but I've said all these things and I'm saying all these things and all you do is threaton me??"

I was suddenly agaist one of the walls, Harry had pinned me agaist the wall, he was holding me down, he looked furious, I felt fear but istead I looked at him stubbornly and bravely I stared into his eyes, daring him to respond...and he did.

He Kissed me.

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