I cant fight the Pain

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a sudden pain gripped my body, it was Aganoy.

I gasped in pain and I grasped my stomach as it started to throb painfully, my whole body trembled.

I noticed Louis and Amber had backed up slightly but Perrie hadnt? I was about to tell her to go but I couldnt form any sounds, the pain was to much.

God! it hurt so badly, my whole body throbbed with agony, I also felt so hot, like I was burning.

I cried silently, tears coming down I wasnt sad just in deep agony, Perrie was whispering to me words of comfort but I barly heard her, my ears felt like they were ringing.

I tried to speak again but all I could form were to words "i-it hurts" My voice was weak and I saw Louis looked pained and cringe, he hated seeing me in this much pain when he could do nothing about it.

My body shook with sobs and pains, I felt like a child screaming for some sort of protection from their parents, I felt like crying from my mother, I was in that much pain.

"it h-hurts...it...hurts...s-so...m-much" sobs and wheezes of pain consumed me while I was trying to speak.

Perrie hugged me, she was crying to, it hurt her to see how much pain I was going through.

I couldnt fight the change anymore than I could fight the pain, I just wanted the pain to end

The pain completly overwhelmed me, I couldnt think, my eyes widened as I felt myself change,
I grew taller and I widened slightly,
my arms ached badly as they started to thicken.

My whole body thickened and strengened.

I could feel a new strength and dark power flooding through my viens.

I couldnt stop the blood thirsty growl that ripped from my chest making my whole body vibrate, the pain suddenly stoped, quickly I relaxed and a hunger I never knew before consumed me, I was so dam hungry! and I felt...different.

My feelings of freinship that I'd felt for Amber and Louis had compleltly gone, I didnt give a dam about them, I knew I should but I didnt, I slowly stood up, Perrie was near me but she didnt look fearful, infact her eyes looked dull, like she didnt feel anything.

But I didnt really care, I was hungry and I needed blood and Amber and Louis were standing in the way of the door!

My eyes I knew had changed from a dark brown to a darker more dangerous black.

I bared my teeth at them crouching slightly "get the hell out of my way!" I more than snarled, my voice was harsher, colder.

Amber said causiosly "Zayn..?"
I snarled at her, wanting to rip her head of, why wouldnt they dam move? did they want me to kill them or were they just being stupid?

Louis pleaded "look Zayn, mate, your not thinking straight"

I snorted but said sneeringly "what do you fucking think? I'm a shadow now and I'm hungry now move or I'll make you move!"

When they didnt move, I growled in rage then I my hands started to feel strange and there was an odd tugging sensation in my gut, I looked at one of my hand, it looked slightly redder than before then my eyes widened as I curled my hand inwards then as I opened them a small fire ball danced in my finger tips.

Louis and Amber's looked wary as I watched as the fire reacted to my anger as it grew to the size of a football, I looked up at Amber coldly.

Louis relised what I was going to do as I pointed my palm with the fire ball at her, "Amber out the way!" he yelled.

To Late.

I smirked as the fire ball flew towards her...

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