Fainting Defeat

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They all flew backwards suddenly,Amber gasped in pain it felt like someone was pushing her backwards but no one was there, they all crashed into one of the walls that crashed under the force of them.

At Harrys power all the street lights near them started to flicker and bend slightly under the sheer strength of Harrys telecnetic power.

Harry grinned broadly it was only hours ago when he only could move a pencil and now... yep that slayer blood was defiantly a big power boost Harry thought.

Rose laughed coldly and Everyone else stumbled out of the rummble, Niall was holding a limping Amy.

Harry held out his hand again, ready to send them into anouther wall but as he did so he realised his power wasnt working wha? what was going on?

Perrie didnt know what she was doing but she knew, she knew in this next push Harry was aiming to kill...it wouldnt kill them but it would Kill Amy.

Harry gave Amy a smirk as he put his hands out again and Amy gripped onto Nial in fear of her life then Perrie didnt know what she was doing but it was on instinced and as Harry pushed with his power so did Perrie and...nothing happened?

Perrie gasped as she saw a strage silverly light incazing them, it was like they were in a big bubble protecting them from Harrys power.

shock went through Harrys eyes as he stared at the force field that had just appeared infront of him.

Louis asked Perrie "what are you doing?"

Perrie yelled back "I have no idea!"

Zayn grinned at Perrie and gave her a kiss on the cheeck and Perrie would of blushed if she could "whatever your doing dont stop!" Zayn told her happily.

Harrys eyes narrowed dangerously "aw the little vamps got a power, you cant hold it up for ever Perry, sooner or later like all things It'll break" he hissed as he once again focused his power but this time it was on the shield, not them.

Perrie started to worry as she could feel Harrys power pushing agaisnt hers, dam he was powerful, can I really hold him of? Perrie wonderd fearfully.

Perrie fet herself get weaker and weaker as Harry concentrated more as his power slowly overwhelmed hers.
Her force shield started to shimmer in and out of existence.
"Perrie!" Zayn yelled.

Perrie swayed slightly, she was sweating and stumbled slightly.
Harry grinned as he pushed more on her force field and Perrie gasped in pain as her eyes rolled back and she fainted, Zayn caught her as the force field shimmered out of existence.

Harry laughed darkly "aw was my power to much for Perry?"

Zayn snarled baring his teeth at Harry.

Harry smirked as he said "oh yeah, I almost forgot...you should meet my new freinds, they were knocked out by slayers but they should be awake now, right guys?" he called over his sholder.

Suddenly three more vampires walked round the corner, they stood at Harrys side sneering at the group.
They were shadows.

Rose smiled nastily as the group took a hesitate step backwards, anouther shadow apeared out of the darkness behind them but to there suprise Harry looked irritated?

"Terrance so 'glad' you could join us, I see I didnt kill you properly then"

Tereance smirked "I'm harder to kill than I look" he said.

Harry let out a menacing growl, defiantly showing he was not amused.

Amber could see what was happening and she quickly took advantage of it.

"come on let's get out of here" she whisperd.

Liam frowned "but Harry" he said.

"we can't stop him!" Amber hissed back.

Amy nodded and she leaned on Niall, Niall asked "but...won't Harry notice?"

Amber shook her head "trust me, Harry's occupied with something or someone else right now, he won't notice us leave"

Louis felt confused why and how had Harry's attention just switch like that? It was like as Harry glared at Terrance that he'd completely forgotten they were there.

But it wasn't like Louis ungrateful it as he quickly vampire speeded away and Zayn held on to the knocked out Perrie, while Niall picked up the limping Amy and they all walked away in defeat.

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