Time Slumber And Only Two Left Now

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Perrie felt herself becoming dizzy then once again uncousioness gripped her,
she fell into the darkness but all she remberd was seeing Tsunami pulling people to their deaths as they struggled against the deadly currents in vein.

She rememberd the fire slowly trapping little children in their bedrooms while their screaming for their parents but no help would come.

Perrie cried as Darkness overtook her as she fainted.
Perrie woke up in the hotel, she gasped in fear as she rememberd what happened.

Zayn was sitting near her, his eyes widened as she opened her eyes Zayn let out a yell of relief as he hugged her but Perrie flinched away from him rembering what she saw in his eyes..fire..burning..screaming.

Zayn frowned at her "are you alright Perrie?" he asked her.

Perrie asked slowly "what happened?"

Zayn shrugged "Niall almost attacked us but I dont know but he ran away at the last minute...he'd gotten some sort of text on his phone but Perrie... whats the last thing you remember?"

Perrie said frowning "you and Niall were staring at each other...wait...where is everyone? and why is it light outside and why are you wearing different clothes?"

Zayn figited "um Perrie..." he trailed of looking away.

Perrie eyes narrowed she asked "what is it?"

Zayn licked his lips nervously still silent.

Perrie demanded "for gods Sake Zayn if you dont say I swear I'll-"

Zayn took a deep breath as he said "Perrie you've been out for nearly two weeks"

Perrie eyes widened as she shouted in shock "I'VE WHAT??".

Perrie was silent for a few minutes then she asked Zayn trying to stay calm "so anythings happened while I've been..."

Zayn looked grim as he said "quite a lot, Eleanors been back in touch with Louis, she wants him to meet her pack, everyones worrid about what'll happen if she discovers what he is, what we are, Amy is going back to the slayer cominuity incase it rases even more posision but we've kind of got a deal with her...she didnt want to go back at first so we made a deal with her..."

Perrie frowned "what kind of deal?"

Zayn said nervously "we're going to the slayer council to and to pretend to be new humans that want to become slayers...the slayer comunity is like a school for trainee slayers, once they complete all these levels then they'll get a position on the council...Ambers also promised to teach Amy some more fighting skills against vampires so she can become a better slayer"

Perrie frowned "but arnt Slayers just human? for what I've seen of them they cant defeat us..."

Zayn figited slightly, he seemed embarrised "well thats only because you havent seen them fight any other vampires other than us...and well Amber said we're a lot stronger than an normal vampires for reason she wouldnt explain to us" Zayn frowned clearly anoyed that Amber was keeping things from them.

Perrie said "so I'm stronger than-"

Zayn shook his head "just the boys, me, Louis, L-Liam, Harry and Niall"

Perrie noticed Zayn stutter at Liams name...what had else had happened while she was uncounsios?
Perriegot a familer feeling of dread.

Perrie Pov

I walked down stares with Zayn I was to busy thinking about the things Zayn had told me to think of what I had seen in Nialls and Zayns eyes,
somthing told me I wasnt being over dramatic that what I'd seen in their eyes had made me faint but I was to busy concentrated on what Zayn had said.

Why was I feeled with dread?
Why had I been asleep for two dam weeks?!

Amy, Louis, Amber were waiting for me on the sofa, Louis grinned when he saw me "Perrie" he yelled and he hugged me, I felt a growl come from Zayn who stiffened near me...when had he been this protective? It was just Louis.

I hugged him back and I looked around the apartment felt strangle empty...Where was Liam?

"Um guys...wheres Liam?" I asked them.

Everyone stiffened slightly, I noticed they all seemed to glance at somthing...what?

I followed their gazes and I gasped at what I saw, their was a bloody gient crack going through the walls! two of the cubords had fallen down, I saw smashed Pictures and glass, it all looked pretty recent thought...

"What happened?" I gasped.

Amber gave me a weak smile as she said "you could say...theres been a small..Earthqauke?" it sounded a lame attempt at a joke and Amy glared at Amber as she snapped "dont make light of it!"

Amber held her hand out in surrender "Hey I couldnt stop liam he-"

I yelped "wait Liam did this??"

I looked at Zayn accusingly "what havent you been telling me?" I hissed.

Zayn gulped "er.." he said.

Perrie Pov

Zayn didnt look at me, they all wernt looking at me.

I looked at all of them, he couldnt of died, or they'd be more upset than this but somthing had happened alright.

The only people who werent here where Harry, Niall and...Liam...NO...that couldnt be... could it?

I gasped as realisation came to me, they'd change into shadows from the youngest to the oldest...Liam was the third youngest...no...please dont let it be true.

I asked gulping "He...He didnt change...did he?"

Louis said nervously "depends on what you mean by change"

I stepped backwards eyes widenening "He did, didnt he!"

I said my voice feeling weak "his with 'them' isnt he?"

Zayn hugged me tighter to him as Louis nodded.

I blanched feeling sick, how could someone so kind and carlm like Liam turn into a killer?

Then I rememberd somthing that made me want to pull Zayn tighter to me and never let him leave.

If Liam was a shadow...Zayn would be next.

I couldnt take it as I ran to the toilet and threw up...crying trying to get rid of my sadness in tears and guess what it didnt work.

Liam Pov

I was in this room with Harry who was talking with Terrance…the shadows sort of saw Terrance as their leader now, apart from me and Niall and some shadows that Harry turned.

I evesdropped on the conversation as I cleaned up some blood that the shadows had left from the now dead humans tied to the walls.

Harry hissed “remember what I said?”

Terrance rolled his eyes “yes yes, we’re not to attack any of the werewolfs or slayers intill you’ve turned more people, what am I meant to tell them? They think I’m turning the shadows”

Harry rolled his eyes “well lie then” he snorted.

Terrance was looked irritated as he hissed “look we cant keep on stalling, I’m in charge here! Remember your place! New born”

I smirked thinking oh boy his going to get it now.

Harrys eyes flashed dangerously as he stepped into Terrance’s personal space as suddenly Terrance was flying in the air and crashing into the wall and Terrance gasped cluching his throat then a dagger on one of the walls broke out of the glass and flew over and pointed directly at Terrance’s heart.

Terrance stiffened in fear as Harry snarled his voice deadly “you remember your’s! The only reason I’m not in charge is they want to follow a more experienced shadow! But if you continue to argue with me then I wont care about what they want! I can easily overpower you and you know it so next when you decided to speak before you think remember that or…”

The dagger suddenly stabbed Terrance in his chest near his heart and twisted…
Harry sneered at him then angrily stormed out of the door.

Terrance struggled to take the dagger out on the floor, bleeding.

I smirked at him and gave him a kick that made him fall into on of the wardrobes and I sniggered at him before walking out after Harry.

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