Chapter 4: Training To Be A Titan

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The group followed Luz as they all traveled across the island, they traveled for miles. "Ugh, Mom my legs are tired!" King complained. "Hey, you were the one who agreed to help Luz with this!" Eda said. Amity looked at Luz, seeing that she kept on walking despite how tired everyone else was. She then asked "Luz wait up! We're all tired! How are you not?" Luz replied "I don't know, guess it might be a perk to being a Half-Titan I suppose."

Luz walked to the top of the hill, getting a better view of her surroundings, she planted her palisman staff into the ground as she stood there, staring at everything, feeling a sense of connection somewhat. Suddenly the Titan appeared, which everyone could not see. "What is it Luz?" Luz replied "I- I don't know, I've been around the entire island before, I've seen all this before, and yet, this time it feels different... I can't quite describe it but I-" 

"Feel like you're one with all of it? Exactly Luz, that's one of the things about being a Titan, as a Titan, you are connected with not just all the magic, but the entire demon realm as a whole. You've become the strongest witch in the entire boiling isles, the only way to know how strong is to keep testing your limits." The Titan vanished as Eda asked "Who are you talking to?" Luz replied "Don't worry about it, I think this is the perfect spot to get started." As she looked around, seeing not a single witch in sight. 

"Oh thank goodness we can finally rest." Said King as he sat down. Alador pulled out and turned on a device that scans Luz's strength level to see just how powerful she truly is as a Half-Titan. He then asked "So where do you want to start Luz?" Luz replied "I think I'll start small..." She grabbed her palisman and said "Alright String Bean, this is it." She decided she would start by trying to generate a light using magic. 

Luz looked down at her hand, remembering how last time she had used magic in her Titan form she had access to every single glyph combination in existence, many of which she wasn't aware existed. She thought about the light glyph, hoping it would appear on her hand. Suddenly, the glowing symbol on her chest glowed even brighter as she suddenly felt a rush of pure magic inside her, and then a light glyph suddenly formed on the palm of her hand. Luz looked at it for a moment before tapping it with her fingers, causing it to suddenly change into a ball of pure light that floated into the air.

Luz looked at it in astonishment as she then shouted with excitement "Guys!! I JUST USED MAGIC WITH MY OWN HANDS!!" Amity smiled and said "That's great Luz!" Luz then looked around before seeing a large tree that was laying down on its side. She then asked "Hey Lilith? Isn't that the tree that collapsed due to the destruction Belos caused to this island? You know, the one tree nobody could move after it fell?" Lilith nodded and said "Yeah, still have no idea how we're gonna get rid of it. It just doesn't budge no matter what."

Luz looked at her hands, remembering that her Titan form provided her with enhanced metahuman strength. She smiled as she said "I've got an idea." She then ran over to the tree and stood right in front of it, it was way bigger up close. Luz took a deep breath as she said "Ok, here we go!" Luz then reached her claws underneath the tree and began to pull with all her might, everyone behind her watched in anticipation, Luz continued to pull nonstop, before suddenly, the tree began to move, Luz kept pulling until she began to lift the tree off the ground, everyone watched in amazement as Luz managed to lift the entire tree up above her head! "I- I GOT IT!" She shouted.

Everyone couldn't believe what they were seeing, Luz was lifting an entire huge tree with her own hands, and was able to easily hold it above her head! Amity's face had gone deep red seeing Luz do this. Luz then threw the tree forward with all her might, and was amazed to see that she threw the tree miles away as it crashed into the boiling sea. "Wow..." She mumbled. Alador quickly checked the device and was surprised, he shouted "Luz! Your strength meter just completely went off the charts! And I'm not exaggerating!"

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