Chapter 16: Destined To Be Alone

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Inside the large castle, the Hex Squad had Orion imprisoned within a small cell, Enzo had used his own powers to form a strong forcefield that was capable of containing Orion.  He stood there inside his cell as the Hex Squad all stood outside and looked at him. "Are you sure that will hold him?" Asked Hunter. Enzo nodded and said "It will, it cannot be disabled by the one trapped inside it, only by those outside."

Luz approached Orion as she said "Good, now that we have Orion as a hostage, this should give us a fighting chance." Willow looked at Luz and asked "Why are we keeping him alive though? He and the Archivists want nothing more than to exterminate us, now's our chance to finally kill one of them." Luz looked back at her and said "I understand that, and I want the Archivists dead just as much as you all do, but how exactly do we even kill these guys? They're powerful beings, killing them won't be that easy. That's why we're holding him prisoner, so we can figure out how we can properly defeat the Archivists without the concealment mirror."

Suddenly, King entered the castle, which surprised everyone. "King? What are you doing here?" Asked Vee. King looked at them all and said "I heard you took one of the Archivists hostage, I wanna see him." Enzo approached King and asked "Why? What's the point?" King looked at him and said "He's an Archivist, one of the very beings that wiped out my kind, I wanna know why."

Luz looked at him and said "I told you before King, the Archivists are delusional." But King looked at her and said "Let me hear it from him." As he approached the forcefield. He looked directly at Orion and said "Hey, I'm talking to you!" Orion turned around and looked down at King, he made a sinister smile and said "Well, what a surprise. A Titan is here." King nodded and said "That's right, I'm a Titan, you murdered my whole entire race, including my father."

Orion smirked as he approached King and said "Yeah me and my brothers, we killed all those freaks, and we'd do it again too!" Before laughing menacingly. King kept his anger to himself as he asked "Why would you do such a thing? Committing mass genocide?" Orion looked directly at King making a sinister smile as he said "Because King, the Titans were creatures of power, power that doesn't belong to mortals! Me and my brothers could not allow them to live on! They were a threat to the balance of the universe itself!"

King then asked "I don't understand! What gives you the right to choose on which species live and which ones die?!" Orion replied "We are gods! We're the most powerful beings in the entire universe. As gods, it is our sacred duty to observe all life, and make sure they play by our rules, but if we find any mortals harnessing unlimited power, they defy our will, mortals cannot be allowed to have unlimited power! The Titans were mortal beings, yet they had the powers of gods, me and the Archivists are the only ones who have the right to have that power, we are the gods of this universe! The Titans meddled with our ways, they had to be exterminated before they threatened the flow of life by becoming immortal!"

King shouted back at Orion "Why do you believe yourselves to be the gods of the universe? What gives you the freedom to decide that?!" Orion shouted back "Because we were born with this power! It's who we are! It has been our calling since birth! Our parents failed to understand that calling, and tried to keep us from our destiny, so me and my brothers had no choice but to destroy them."

King, along with everyone else were shocked to hear that, even Enzo was surprised. "Enzo, did you know about this?" Asked Gus. Enzo looked down in terror as they muttered "No... I didn't. I- I never knew what happened to my parents..." He then looked up at Orion and shouted "You... YOU AND YOUR BROTHERS MURDERED MY PARENTS!!!" Orion looked at him and said "It had to be done so we could fulfill our destiny, and it could have been yours too Collector, but your childish nature made you soft! And you ended up befriending the very beings we've been working to destroy, you betrayed us Collector!"

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