Chapter 7: Bonesborough Duel

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In the owl house, Eda, King, and Lilith were waiting patiently for Luz, Amity, and the Collector to return, hopefully with some good news. "Come on they're taking too long!" King said in fear. Lilith comforted him and said "Give them time, I'm sure they'll be alright." Eda sat down and sighed and said "Did I make the wrong choice Lilith? Was I wrong to keep the arrival of the Archivists a secret from everyone? We should have had time to prepare, but instead we chose to wait around for them to get here, and now everyone is panicking."

Lilith was about to say something, but then suddenly, Eda got a notification on her scroll. She looked at it and saw that it was text from Raine.


"What?!" Eda shouted. She quickly turned on the crystal ball to see that it was broadcasting a massive emergency alert as it showed footage of the Archivists leveling the town of Boonsborough. Eda, King, and Lilith watched in shock as they saw the Archivists blow up houses and send people running for the streets. "Oh Titan... it's getting worse!" Said Eda. King then asked "Does... does this mean that Luz failed? What do you think could have happened to her?" Lilith replied "I don't know King, but hopefully she and her friends will find their way back."

Eda then said "In the meantime, we had better head over to Bonesborough and try to help as many people as we can, come on Lilith!" Both Eda and Lilith morphed into their harpy forms and walked outside, but then King asked "What can I do to help?" But Eda replied "King, the Archivists want to eradicate the Titans, it's probably you they want the most. It's best that you stay." As she and Lilith then spread out their wings and took off.

Meanwhile in Bonesborough, Camila was still trying to contact Luz to make sure she was ok, but she was still getting no response back from her. Suddenly she heard a loud explosion outside, she and Vee looked out the window to see smoke in the distance, they could hear people screaming. They then saw one of the Archivists levitate into the air as he fired laser beams from his eyes down upon the town, setting several buildings on fire. Camila gasped in horror and said "Come on Vee, we need to get out of here!"

Meanwhile in the castle of the Archivists, Amity was still locked in her cell, the blue chains her arms were restrained by prevented her from using magic, so there was nothing she could do to escape, nothing she could do to help the witches of the Boiling Isles. But then, the two Palismen, Stringbean and Ghost snuck into the cell. Amity saw them both and smiled as she said "Ghost! Stringbean! Thank goodness you're here, can you get me out of here?"

Both palismen nodded as Stringbean morphed into a tiny dragon and flew towards the chains and used her sharp teeth to bit them apart, freeing Amity from them. Amity smiled as she was free. "Thanks, now let's get off this castle." She opened the door to her cell and walked through the hallway. She checked every cell trying to find Luz and the Collector. "Come on, you've gotta be in here somewhere." She said.

In Luz's cell, Luz remained all chained up, looking down in despair knowing that all the witches were going to die. Suddenly she heard a knock on the cell door, along with a familiar voice. "Luz? You in there?!" Luz looked up and replied "Amity? Yes! I'm here!" Amity smiled and said "Hang in there, I'm busting you out of there!" But Luz replied "No, get the Collector out of here first, the Archivists are probably doing horrible things to him right now, help him!" Amity replied "But what about you?" Luz replied "The Archivists are using something that prevents me from using my Titan powers, figure out what it is and shut it off and get yourself out of here! With my Titan powers restored I'll be out of here in no time! But hurry!"

Amity nodded as she went to go find the Collector. She ran down the hallway that consisted of several jail cells, but suddenly, she was spotted by Pismis. "YOU!!!" He shouted. Amity gasped as she quickly formed abomination fists and ran at the Archivist in an attempt to punch him, but Pismis simply dodged the attack with ease. He then fired bright energy from his hand at Amity, Amity quickly ducked it and took off running as Pismis chased behind.

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