Chapter 15: Anniversary Interrupted

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The next morning, Amity awoke in her bed, the first thing that she saw the moment she opened her eyes was the sight of her beautiful girlfriend Luz, she smiled as she then took another look at the ring Luz gave her last night, she simply couldn't describe how happy she was to know that Luz was now officially her fiancé, and how could she not be? Everything about Luz was perfect. She watched as Luz slept peacefully beside her, not wanting to wake her up because seeing her girlfriend like this always made her heart flutter.

Eventually the moment came where Luz eventually woke up on her own, she could feel Amity in her arms as she woke up as the events that occurred last night all started to come back to her. She remembered how she proposed to Amity, which ultimately ended with them both spending the last of the night making love for who knows how long. The thought of that made her blush slightly as she remembered that moment, but then Amity looked at her with a smile as she said "Happy anniversary hermosa. Don't mind me, I was just admiring my beautiful Titan next to me."

Amity pulled Luz right next to her as she got a good feel of Luz's fur, sighing as she got comfortable. Luz smiled and said "Ami, if you continue to hold me like this we'll be here all day." Amity replied "Just... A few more minutes please? Your fur is so soft, so warm." Luz smiled and wrapped Amity into a hug. She gasped slightly as she felt Amity begin to rub her soft stomach as she let out a purr in satisfaction. Her stomach was basically her weak spot at this point and Amity had complete access to it.

Luz smiled as she remembered that today was officially the day when Luz first stepped foot into the Boiling Isles. Which also meant it was now the first day of summer, meaning they both could now do whatever they wanted for the next three months. She looked at Amity and said in a flirtatious tone "So, did you enjoy yourself last night? You certainly sounded like you did." Referring to the 'physical activities' that they both engaged in last night, which made Amity's face heat up until it was as red as a tomato. She was finally able to form words as she said "How is it you’re always able to leave me looking like my face is all sunburned, no matter what you do?”

Luz chuckled and said "Heh, I guess some things never change." Amity smiled and said "Well, to answer that question, of course I did." Luz smiled and said "Well, that is one of the benefits of my Titan form, it works to get you all riled up." If Amity's face was not burning hot before, it certainly was now. "Luz I swear if you say one more flirt..."

Luz smirked and said "What? Will it make you so riled up you'll want to go for another round?" She began to gently rub Amity's ears with her claws while making sure to be gentle enough so her claws don't accidentally scratch into Amity's ears, but also made sure to add enough pressure to make it feel nice. Amity inhaled sharply from the nice feeling as she started to purr with satisfaction, her girlfriend was just too good at what she does.

Amity snapped out of her trance and groaned as she was reduced to a blushing mess, for a while she thought she won't ever be like this whenever she was around Luz again once they finally started dating, but then Luz's Titan powers just had to return and double Luz's confidence level. "Titan! Just kiss me already before I pass out from your tricks!" Amity shouted. Luz grinned and said "I'll take that as a yes then." As she gave Amity the deepest kiss that she could offer. "O-oh wow… Physical activities…" Amity managed to mutter as they pulled apart.

"Satisfied yet?" Luz asked. Amity smiled and said "Not even close." As she wrapped her arms around Luz's neck, she could no longer contain just how badly she wanted Luz to take her anymore. Luz smiled and said "Wow, you're more needy than I thought." Amity gave a demanding smile to Luz as she said "Just shut up and make love to me already damnit!"

Luz was quite surprised by the newfound confidence her girlfriend had as a result of Luz's constant flirting, it was like she just exposed a new side of Amity that had never been seen before. Nevertheless she wasted no time at all to satisfy her fiancé.

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