Chapter 23: Evacuation

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Everyone watched in horror as Orion destroyed the concealment box in his hands, it blew apart into tiny pieces from the laser eyes. "NO!!!!" Shouted Eda, tears running down her face. Orion laughed menacingly and said "So much for the Half-Titan! Now with her gone, we cannot be stopped now!" Orion levitated to the ground and looked at Eda and said "Now it's your turn to die!"

Orion grabbed Eda by the throat, he made a sinister smile as he prepared to fire laser eyes through her skull, but suddenly, someone tapped him on the shoulder, he turned around and went silent at the sight of Luz standing there smiling at him as she said "You didn't seriously think that was gonna contain me now did you?" Before Orion could do anything, Luz harnessed her superhuman strength and punched Orion, sending him crashing against the ground.

"LUZ!!! YOU MADE IT OUT!" Shouted Vee. "Heck yeah!! And not a moment too soon I should add!" Shouted Gus. Luz smiled and shouted "That's right, I'M BACK!!!" As she supercharged her palisman with Titan energy, swinging a powerful surge of energy towards the other Archivists.

 Luz smiled and shouted "That's right, I'M BACK!!!" As she supercharged her palisman with Titan energy, swinging a powerful surge of energy towards the other Archivists

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Helix, Doradus, and Pismis were suddenly knocked back by a massive blast of energy. Soon, Amity and Enzo showed up, Enzo snapped his fingers, freeing everyone from their restraints. Luz went to go face Orion and shouted back to them all "All of you get out of here now!" Vee looked at her and asked "Wait Luz, are you sure you can handle all four of the Archivists on your own?!" Luz replied "I don't know, but right now Bonesborough is in danger, I'll handle the Archivists, you all go and try to help the people of Bonesborough!"

Vee sighed and nodded as she turned and ran away with the others. Luz saw Orion get up as she clenched her fists. "HOW DID YOU GET OUT?!!" Orion shouted. Luz replied "I've told you before to never underestimate me Orion!!" She then sprinted towards Orion and tackled him. They both wrestled around on the floor for a while before Luz managed to get up and attack Orion. She punched him hard in the face, which stunned him for a brief moment, but he didn't back down, he quickly jumped Luz before she could attack again.

Orion pinned Luz to the ground and grabbed her by the head, trying to snap her neck, but Luz formed an electricity glyph on her hand and touched Orion's shoulder with it, electrocuting him on the spot as Luz got back up and kicked Orion back, she then used her superhuman strength, pulling a tree right out of the ground and slamming Orion with it! Orion was sent flying as Luz blasted into the air and chased him, she flew above Orion and punched him with a massive amount of super strength, which sent him skyrocketing towards the ground as he crashed.

Luz was about to attack Orion, but then suddenly, Doradus interviened and punched Luz, sending her crashing to the ground. The other Archivists showed up as Pismis helped Orion up. "DESTROY HER!!" Shouted Orion. The other Archivists smirked as Helix said in a deep tone "You're dead Half-Titan!" Luz stood up and got into a battle pose and said with a smirk "Four against one? Heh, I like those odds!"

Luz sprinted into action, engaging the four Archivists, knowing full well just how outmatched she was, but she had to fight on, for the survival of all witches depended on her. Pismis fired lasers from his eyes at Luz, but she quickly rolled out of the way, she drew a spell circle which blasted a fireball back at him, but it didn't harm Pismis at all, Helix then tackled Luz but she punched him off of her and got up before he could, she then kicked him in the face and drew a spell circle that formed abomination fists on her hands, she quickly started punching Helix repeatedly.

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