Chapter 20: Destabilization

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The entire group ran through the streets of Bonesborough, surrounded by nothing but chaos as several mechanical beings reigned havoc and terror on the entire town, destroying everything in their path. Nobody was safe. "THIS IS LITERALLY THE WORST POSSIBLE PLACE FOR US TO BE RIGHT NOW!!!" Shouted Hunter. "We need to find someplace to hide now!" Shouted Raine. They quickly ran inside of a building and hid inside, Eda blocked all the doors and windows as they all sat down together. Gus activated a light glyph to light up the room, they could still hear all the destruction going on outside.

"What do we do now?" Asked King. "We wait..." Said Eda. King placed the concealment box down on the floor and said "They'd better hurry, because I don't know how long we can stay hidden before they find us.

The Nightmare....

Luz and Amity walked through the halls, trying to find the way out of the manor since it was much bigger now in this fake reality. "So, if I'm getting this right, time moves slower here, and also the gravity in here is completely dependent on the gravity of the real world?" Amity asked. Luz nodded and said "Yep, just like in Inception." Amity replied "Well, at least that gives us plenty of time to escape before the Archivists cause any serious damage."

They turned a corner, only to be confronted by Odalia. "Oh shit..." Luz muttered. Odalia looked at them both in utter shock. "Amity! What are you doing with this terrorist?! And how did you get out of your cell?! Why are you all covered in fur?!" Amity looked at Odalia and replied "Me and Luz, we're leaving!" Odalia made a strict face towards Amity and said "Going? No, you're not going anywhere! Go back to your room and put your concealment stone back on now! We can't have you going around looking like that!"

Amity made an angry face towards Odalia and said "No Mom, not this time. I'm not going to let you choose how I look, or who I am for me anymore!" Odalia was shocked by Amity's tone and asked "What?! I don't know where this attitude of yours came from, but I do not like it!" She grabbed hold of Amity's arm but Amity resisted even more as she shouted "I'm not going anywhere with you ever again! I'm going to leave with my true girlfriend Luz, I want to get married to her and you aren't allowed to make that choice for me!"

Odalia looked at Amity and said "Girlfriend?! No, we've already gotten you another girlfriend who's not a terrorist like Luz!" Amity replied "I'm not going to do a damn thing you tell me anymore! You are a horrible mother, always were from the beginning! Luz has helped me find myself, and I love her for that! And I want to spend the rest of my life beside her, she and I are leaving and we are returning back to our reality! Now do me a favor and get out of my life!!!!"

In an instant, Amity formed an abomination fist on her hand and grabbed Odalia, slamming her against the wall with an intense force! Luz watched Amity do that in complete surprise. Amity looked towards her and said "Man, I always wanted to do that." Luz replied "Holy crap Blight! You just assaulted your own mother! Cool!" Amity chuckled and said "We might wanna get out of here fast."

Suddenly, Odalia's eyes opened, but something was different, her eyes were glowing bright blue, she got up and looked at them and said in a menacing tone "The prisoners of the simulation are attempting to escape! All projections converge!"

Suddenly, all the projections inside Blight Manor stopped what they were doing in an instant, all their eyes began to glow bright blue as they turned and started heading towards Luz and Amity. Luz and Amity could already tell this was a bad sign. "We might wanna run..." She said. Luz nodded as the two of them began running as fast as they could.

"What was up with that? My Mom suddenly acted out of character!" Said Amity. "The simulation knows that we've discovered that it's fake and has now sent all the projections out to kill us! We have to get out of here!" Said Luz. Both girls ran into a large room, only to be confronted by a large group of projections. "Oh crap..." Said Luz. Amity made an angry face as she formed abomination fists on her hands and charged at the projections, punching each of them down, not holding back whatsoever.

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