Chapter 19: It's Just Like That Film Inception

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The Nightmare....

Luz sat there in her cage, still trying to understand where exactly she was, she knew she had to get out of here, but she still didn't fully know where 'here' even was. She noticed the two guards standing there as she thought to herself "I have to get out of this cage first of all if I wanna get out of this place, let's see if my Titan powers still work here..." Luz focused as she channeled her Titan energy, much to her relief, her body shifted into her Half-Titan form with ease.

"There, that's better." She mumbled as she looked at her claws on her hands. The guards noticed her transformation and both of them were completely stunned. "What in the name of the Titan???" One of them said. Luz smirked as she then grabbed onto the bars and pulled on them with her super strength, bending them open, allowing her to escape. One of the guards shouted "The prisoner has escaped! Grab her!" As they both ran towards Luz with their magic staffs.

One of them fired an energy beam at Luz, but she generated a forcefield which block it, she then sprinted towards one of the guards, grabbing him as she lifted him up and slammed him back down against the ground head first. Suddenly the other guard smacked her in the back with his staff, but Luz remained unharmed, she turned around and faced the other guard, before punching him so hard it sent him crashing into the wall.

With both guards down, Luz could finally leave, but then she noticed her palisman Stringbean trapped inside of a cage. "Stringbean! Hang on! I'll get you out of there!" She approached the cage and looked directly at the lock, before firing lasers from her eyes at it, which broke the lock clean off. Stringbean flew out of the tiny cage as Luz held her in her arms and smiled as she said "Glad to see you're ok, now we just need to figure out where exactly we are."

Luz's questions would suddenly be answered as a crystal ball suddenly turned on, Luz approached it as it projected a news report of some kind.

"Good morning Boiling Isles! Today is a very special day for the day of unity commences in just another 7 hours! Join us as we celebrate the end of wild magic and begin a new age of peaceful magic! An age that our lord and master Emperor Belos has promised us all! Also, just recently, Odalia Blight, the head of the Abomination coven has just passed down Blight Industries over to her daughter Amity Blight, making her the new owner while Odalia goes to participate in the day of unity ceremony. Thankfully, with the human terrorist Luz Noceda now finally locked behind bars and set to be petrified alongside her other two outlaw friends Eda Clawthorne and King, we can safely say that the Boiling Isles can finally move forward with a bright future! Bless the emperor, he has made the Boiling Isles a better place." 

Luz couldn't believe her eyes, she was basically trapped in a world where everything bad that could have happened, did happen. Amity was still under the influence of her mother, Belos is still in charge, Eda and King were petrified and Luz is now a wanted criminal fighting against Belos. It was like a true nightmare. "I gotta get the fuck out of here!" Luz said in fear. The only problem was, she had no idea how to get out, she'd been trapped in a nightmare before but this one was different, it would take a lot more than a simple light glyph to get out of this one, because now she was literally trapped inside of a concealment device, the same kind of device Enzo had been trapped in by the Titan for years! If only she had some help.

Luz sat down in a chair as she asked "What the hell do I do?? There's gotta be a way out of here, but how?!" Suddenly, her prayers were answered as the Titan suddenly appeared beside her. "Don't you worry Luz, I'm here." He said. Luz looked at the Titan and asked "Do you know how I could get out of here??" The Titan smiled and replied "Of course, I've worked with the exact same type of magic myself after all when I created the concealment mirror for Enzo, I can even tell you what exactly it is you're trapped in. You see, all of this you see around you, none of it is real, it is a simulated version of the real world created within the concealment device, anyone who gets trapped inside the device gets trapped in here. You see the box creates the world based on what a person's worst fear is, and then traps that person inside of it."

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