Chapter 29: The Struggles Of A Half-Titan

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King slowly woke up early in the morning, he crawled off his pillow and went out into the rest of the cave for a bit, since it was still fairly early, he decided to go sit outside and watch the sun rise, he arrived at the entrance of the cave, and was surprised to see Enzo sitting there already.

"Oh Enzo, you're up pretty early." He said. Enzo looked behind him to see King. "Oh, hey King." They said with a smile. King sat down beside them and asked "Had nothing to do either?" Enzo nodded and said "Yeah, everyone else is still asleep, so I decided to come out here and watch the sun rise, not like I got anything else to do." King nodded and sat beside his friend for a while in silence, but then a thought crossed his mind.

"Hey uh, Enzo? Earlier I remember hearing Luz refer to you as a brother to her, do you know what she could have meant by that?" Enzo looked at King and replied "Oh yeah, I should have told you about this earlier, but turns out, since I've basically been all alone for the majority of my life, Luz decided to accept me into her family!" King was surprised by this news and asked "Really?? As in, like a brother??" Enzo nodded and said "Yep! I guess you can refer to me as Enzo Clawthorne now!"

King couldn't express how happy he was to hear that, he had always viewed Enzo as a brother figure, and now Enzo actually was his brother now. "Oh Enzo, that's amazing!" He stood up and hugged Enzo. Enzo smiled and hugged back as they said "I'm so happy I met all of you, you've given me a better life and I am forever grateful for that."

Suddenly, Alador came outside. "There you are Enzo, I've been looking for you." Enzo and King looked at him and were surprised that he was already awake, actually, he looked as if he hadn't gotten any sleep at all. "Woah... Alador? You ok?" He asked. Alador replied "Sorry, I was up all night working on the quantum core, but I've got great news, it's nearly finished! There's just one final ingredient needed, and for me to get it, I'm gonna need your help Enzo."

Later that morning, things got moving swiftly, Luz got together with all her friends to try and master the ability to activate the full strength of her Titan powers. Gus drew an illusion spell which set up a training field for Luz. "Alright Luz, you ready?" Asked Gus. Luz nodded and said "Of course I am, I've been ready since I drew my first glyph." Gus nodded and asked "So, how many enemies do you want me to spawn in?"

Luz looked at him and said "As many as you can possibly create, and don't stop until I'm completely outnumbered to the point where I don't stand a chance!" Hearing Luz say that slightly worried everyone, especially Amity. "Luz, are you sure that's safe? I know they're just illusions and won't actually hurt you, but we don't want you to overwork yourself here." Luz replied "I know, but I got no choice, the Archivists will destroy us unless I master the fullest extent of my powers. And the only way I can be sure that I've mastered them is if I go against the biggest army possible where the odds are all against me, and still win."

"How do you know that will work?" Asked Willow. "Because it's how my full Titan powers first triggered, when I was fighting the Archivists in the woods, I was fighting against four powerful demigods all on my own, I was basically fighting for my life at that moment, and I almost didn't survive. But then, that's when it happened, and I ended up defeating the Archivists despite how outmatched I was. So don't hold back Gus, hit me with literally everything you've got!" Luz said as got ready for battle.

 So don't hold back Gus, hit me with literally everything you've got!" Luz said as got ready for battle

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