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After I saw him go I ran back to the village I don't know what I do now and I go inside to my house and then my father Harold asked "Where were you Astrid". I said " I was training" and then my Mom Ingrid came from the kitchen and said "Oh Astrid Go change your clothes Dinner will  be ready in a few minutes". I wasn't in the mood to eat and said "No Mom I am not in the mood".

Mom reached me and said " Astrid I know you are upset that you are second on the dragon training but that doesn't mean its  the end It means that you can improve more".

"okay Mom but I am not worried about that Its kind of personal but I am okay" giving her the smile and we hugged.


I can't believe that my son is going to be the viking tomorrow and I m very proud of him. When I go to  his door and knock "Hiccup....  Son". No Answer  and when I open the door No One is there. Maybe He is at the Forge  and then I gone to Forge and there was Gobber. " Gobber Have you seen Hiccup" I said. "Nope" Gobber Said.

I got a little worried and Thought ' Where is Hiccup'. He is not at home and not even in the Forge. Gobber asked worried "Stoick Is Everything Okay". "No Gobber I am a little bit worried about Hiccup Don't know where he is" I said. Gobber said "Why don't we look around then He must be somewhere around for the training because Tomorrow is his Final Exam for being the viking".

"okay Lets ask others to help as well" I said. "Okay" Gobber said

As I was going down to the Mead Hall. I Spot Spitelout and the others who are eating in the Mead Hall. I called "Spitelout".

"Yes Chief".

"Can you find Hiccup for me" I said. "Okay Chief" Spitelout said. And then Spitelout and others also help to look for Hiccup. They look at the whole village and No One could find Hiccup. I got worried a lot now. Gobber said "We should look at the forest".

"You are right Gobber. Lets look". And we all go to the Forest to look for Hiccup. At the end They reach at the Cove which was beautiful with a lake and and a lot of trees. After what I see I was Shocked There was the scales of a dragon Black as a night. "Stiock" Gobber called.


"You should see this". and there lay a knife with a little blood on it. I Picked up the knife and sobbed "Oh son.... I am so sorry". Gobber sobbed as well.


I am flying for two hours and with a terrible storm as well as rain pouring like hell and with a noisy thunder and I can't see in front clearly. "Toothless We need to find a place to land very quickly and I don't  know when this storm be over". Toothless roared.

Then I saw something is in front of me. 'Island' I said to myself. "Toothless, There is an island Let's land there bud". As me and Toothless are about to land as there was a Thunder almost struck Toothless tail. but I slipped off Toothless and I realized I am falling. Toothless roared.

"Toothless". Splash. I hit the river going dark in my eyes.


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