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As we shoot our arrows at the boat in the river I am feeling guilty at Stoick that he doesn't know that hiccup isn't dead just ran away on a dragon if I told him he will not believe me and also Its a promise to Hiccup That I will not tell his whereabouts to anyone but if next month he keep that promise to meet me at the same place I will tell him about his funeral and how sorry his father is that he could not take care of him.

Then Gobber asked "So What now Stoick" then Stoick looks like he is about to kill someone right now as he turned toward around and said "I am gonna kill that night fury no matter what it takes and I am gonna get my revenge" I was shocked and I saw him leave and he told everyone "Prepare the ships We are going to find that island where dragons live and destroy those things once and for all."

I got scared how would I tell them that they can't win as my parents left as well to prepare hiccup how can I tell you what they are going to do now and I can see Gobber angry face as well and he seem determined as Fishlegs called me "Astrid Are you okay".

I said "I am Okay" I lied which is actually I am not Okay What do I do now and then I left with the teens.


As I open my eyes I see that I was Toothless wings I got up and I yawn after that I woke Toothless up "Toothless wake up....." but he just rolled over. I woke him up again "Come on...... Toothless You Useless Reptile."  As he yawned and woke up and nudged me. I said "So let's eat breakfast first then we will see what do we do with that big dragon Okay" as Toothless roared and then I sit on the saddle and told Toothless "Let's get you some fishes from the water" and we fly away to the beach to get some food  in our stomach.

After the few minutes we are at the beach and we saw a herd of fish swimming not far away from here and the day was clear after the Storm. We flew to the herd and Toothless got us may fishes. Its easier to fish with a dragon then to go fishing in a boat.

Then After a while after the breakfast at the beach we need a plan to defeat that dragon on the dragon Island and I said "Okay bud we need a plan to defeat that dragon" As he roared as a 'yes' "okay now what do we do we can't defeat that dragon on our own we need more dragons and not just any dragons like here we need the fighting dragons like....... The ones on Berk" and then I realized there is no way I can get to Berk now then Toothless just nudged me to see that I am sad about leaving berk Maybe they are happy that runt of the viking is gone. But We have to get to berk to free those dragons and can get help as much as possible.

Then I made a determined face and told Toothless "Okay Toothless we will go at night because of your appearance we will be undetectable then maybe we will find Astrid and talk to her" Toothless just growled as a 'Yes'. Then

"After the night falls we will go okay Toothless" As I watched the horizon for the sun to set and waited when its dark night.


"Okay everything is ready Gobber" and Gobber replied "Yes... and Stoick You are not the only one to get revenge on that Night Fury I will too he was my God son afterall... but let me tell you this as  well do not make mistakes in leading your people through the Helheim's Gate and don't forget nobody has reach the dragon Island So if the war in the Helheim's Gate turned sideways then Please fall back because I don't want anyone to end up like Hiccup Okay." I am proud that Gobber is with me and he is right I already lost my whole family first my wife Valka and now my son Hiccup

 "I will remember that Gobber... Thanks for telling me this I will keep my mind straight If I want to hunt that Night Fury" As We Hugged.

I told everyone "Let's go to Helheim's gate" As everybody Yell "yeah". then I board the ship and we go to the Helheim's gate through strong waves of the Ocean.

After the few hours we reached the fog and as we enter there was a shadow of a dragon in the fog looks like a Monstrous Nightmare.


After the few hours the sun is setting looks like its time to go to berk and then I told Toothless "Toothless Let's go" as Toothless Perked up and getting ready to go and then I sit on the saddle and off I go.

And then the night came after few minutes we reach berk and saw no light has been litted only a few to see there are dragons outside the berk or not and looks like there was nobody in the village but I cannot be sure. Then we sneak to the cove and saw Astrid was pacing here and there looking worried and I called her "Astrid...... " then she saw me and gasped.

"Hiccup..... ". Then I told her by giving her a smile "Yes... It's me" and she ran up to me and hugged me and told me "Thank the Gods You are Okay." and when I see her face looks like she is worried about something and then I asked her "Astrid What are you doing here at night and you seemed worried Di...Did Something happen." and then she told me "Hiccup After You left Stoick got scared that you didn't return home and he and some of the villagers followed your trails here then...." and I asked "and then what Astrid...".

She told me "Then Stoick found your dagger which has a blood on it and he thinks you are killed by Toothless." I was shocked what Astrid told me and she continued " And we held a viking funeral for you..... and then he made a promise to himself and Gobber that he will kill that Night Fury who Killed you and now he has gone to Helheim's gate to kill that Night fury. Hiccup What do we do ?" then I told Astrid "I have a plan but I am gonna need your help for this one."

"Okay... So what's the plan". I told her "I am gonna need the dragons at the colosseum who are used in for the dragon training......  We can't defeat that dragon alone we need the dragons that are used in training because they are trained and may be able to defeat that big dragon."

She was Shocked and told me "What about Stoick". I told her "Do not worry about them because he and the village has gone to the Helheim's gate many times and come back alive and when they go there they couldn't reach the Island because only a dragon can find that Island and they don't know that."

Astrid relaxed and told him "Okay I will help you but I  am going with you to defeat that dragon you can't do it alone." I replied "No" and she said "what..why.."

I replied "because I am dead to berk but you are not and it will get suspicious that you will die as which I do not want as well and It's very dangerous for you and only I know how to ride a dragon and you don't which could be very problematic for me So please Astrid Listen to me I know you are strong but on a dragon I have the flight advantage." She became worried and relaxed maybe she realised that I am right  and she said "Okay I will help you free those dragons." and I replied "Thanks" 

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